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Epsilon (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Epsilon (DayZ)

  1. Epsilon (DayZ)

    The Robbery

    http://youtu.be/-HJbNoyjkig?list=UUwUWm-FXBEvh-24oVDB7IKw Haven't played DayZ in awhile and just started recently streaming again and thought it would be fun to stream it a little. I had joined a server with 30/40 players and at the time this video happened the numbers had dropped down to around 10 players. I was getting ready to step away from the computer at this point. As you will notice I was looking at my second monitor, I tabbed back in to take one quick scan around when this happens. If you pay close enough attention right before I go unconscious you will see a player skipping across my screen when I look down the sights of my gun. Hopefully this kind of thing isn't the norm. In the end at least the guy didn't kill me. *Note: View the 2:05 minute mark and pause the video. You will see him in the distance.
  2. Epsilon (DayZ)

    The Robbery

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HJbNoyjkig#t=125 at 2:05 to 2:06 look above my webcam box in the distance with the video paused. You should see a figure standing there.. When you play the video is goes skipping across the screen.
  3. Epsilon (DayZ)

    Have you ever killed your friend/teamkilled by accident

    Friend killed me on accident when trying to give me food.. he had just killed a zombie that was attacking me and I was already near death. I got close so he could force feed me while I ate the food he gave me.. instead of force feeding he swung his axe.
  4. Epsilon (DayZ)

    Experimental Patch Stuffed = Throw up

    Well if you keep throwing up EVERY TIME you are stuffed.. you think you'd learn.. to not eat and drink until stuffed?
  5. Why do people want a fucking 'humanity' system? THERE IS NO WAY TO TELL IN THE REAL WORLD IF SOMEONE IS GOING TO KILL YOU OR NOT. Its not realistic, it makes ZERO sense. Learn to play carefully, trust no one. Its the fucking apocalypse what do you expect? Are people really this stupid? You'd be the first to die in a real apocalyptic situation if you think the world wouldn't devolve into lawless chaos if a situation like DayZ happened after an extended period of time. Scarcity of resources forces people to do terrible things to survive, if you think otherwise you need to simply look at history during the Dark Ages and during extreme famines to see this.
  6. Epsilon (DayZ)

    Bayonets useful as weapons

    I believe its T.. pressing the T key will change you between semi auto, 3 round burst and full auto.. depending on weapon ofc.
  7. Epsilon (DayZ)

    With Work, I Wish I Had Friends To Play This Game With

    I only play with one other gaming buddy. We do coordinate well and have had some pretty interesting moments. Its far less stressful then playing solo, in which case when im alone if I think I hear a sound ill go into the nearest building or other cover and sit paranoid for several minutes before moving. The other day in Berezino after I had respawned due to accidental death (fell off a roof, oops) I ran and met up with a friend who was fully geared. He gave me a sawn off shotgun and 2 snap loaders and few pieces of ammo. Shortly after loading the gun I heard someone talking over direct chat in the distance so I went towards the sound. I found a dead body with a few pieces of ruined loot who had clearly just been killed near the school house. I went inside and found no one on that bottom floor as I was about to go upstairs a person with an orange backpack ran past me outside so I followed.. he immediately turned and as he said "don't shoot" I shot him point blank with my sawn off and he dropped. As I approached his body I was shot twice, apparently with pellets as it didn't kill me or even make me bleed but I was clearly hurt as my screen was extremely fuzzy and my character was grunting.. I ran back inside the school and ducked down behind the stairs, as I crouched a player ran past with a double barrel so I ran up behind him and again point blank shot him in the back of the head and he fell.. he was heavily geared but most of what he had was destroyed. My friend at this point had caught up but missed the action so we grabbed what was still in good shape and hid the body. As I was bad off I went to a nearby building to look for food or hopefully a saline bag.. instead as soon as I had exited the building (I had a magnum now from the second guy I had killed with a TON of ammo) I seen a player with a fireaxe running straight at me! So I shot him once and he doesn't drop and manages to hit me and I begin to bleed so I start to run and panic and turn and fire a second shot in him but I don't see him drop so I ran to the other side of the school building and bandage myself as quickly as possible as now I can see pretty much nothing at all. My friend goes outside and finds his body with his axe and a bunch more .357 rounds. My friend gives me pain killers he has and injects me with morphine but I continue to grunt in pain and I can barely makeout even his character 10 feet away. We go upto the hospital as I still clearly need medical attention and find it looted dry. We start looking in nearby houses for loot when I decide to stop and eat as much as possible so my friend gives me all the food he has and I consume it.. while im eating in the building across the street he can see movement and it appears to be two players but I cannot see anything as everything is still just a blur.. suddenly a player runs out with his axe up and I fire my magnum and he begins to bleed, I run as to not get hit by his axe and my friend finishes him. Knowing a second player is nearby we slowly move to new positions, I spot a player moving around the corner of a building and my friend loops around to the other side and catches him off guard and drops him, he had a painted mosin so we didn't bother to take it and several food items I take and eat immediately.. We start to go north and tap off our water supplies on our way out of town. We make it to the town south of the NEAF and I consume the few food items we find and though stuffed I get the healing status! Within 5 minutes I was healthy and my screen had returned to normal! So I was brought back from the brink of death thanks to the food my friend had supplied me. We made our way to the NWAF bypassing the NEAF completely so I can get geared as just a magnum and 2 shots left on my shotgun isn't going to help in a firefight even though my friend is well equipped with an m4. We make it and I gear up but we never did find an m4 before we logged off. So, TL:DR having a friend can be HUGE.. I was on the brink of death, unable to even make out characters standing still 10 feet away but thanks to his supplies and finding a few extra pieces of food items from those we killed manage to bring me back and now we are both VERY well geared.
  8. I haven't noticed an increase at all in my playing time. I have found a few military zombies though. Beyond that numbers are either the same or it was a negligible increase.
  9. Epsilon (DayZ)

    Something is very wrong with DayZ

    Guess you are lucky you haven't met me then! :murder:
  10. Epsilon (DayZ)

    Character Reset on Every Sever Join

    Same issue with me and a friend.. no reason to play since we cannot log out without being reset and sent to a random respawn location.
  11. Epsilon (DayZ)

    Ghillie Suits 1.7.2

    I haven't and don't plan to put one on for a bit. There needs to be something that looks like the bandit skin did anyways the current ones aren't as cool.
  12. Epsilon (DayZ)

    Teleported into the ocean

    Hackers, most likely. Everyone on the server gets teleported to a spawn location high up in the air and dropped to there death. Its lame shit. Hopefully the hacker issue can be taken care of at some point.
  13. Epsilon (DayZ)

    Anyone know a server with 6 hour restart?

    Chicago 52 is every 6 hours.
  14. Epsilon (DayZ)

    why are no body friendly

    Simple answer for why I shoot on sight.. because its safer for me and if you arent with my group I cannot trust you. Also more then likely you will have some gear I can make use of to help me survive longer.
  15. Epsilon (DayZ)

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I wouldn't say this is a bug but Zombies seem to have crazy attack range since the change to there attack range which makes using my trusty hatchet very hard since they can hit me before I can hit them alot of the time. I will say though I love using the melee weapons alot of fun running around Cherno as an axe murderer.. Again it just seems even though im using it as a weapon my attack range is shorter then a zombies most of the time but its really hard to test this out since they don't exactly cooperate with my attempted testing.. they just don't want to stand still long enough.
  16. Epsilon (DayZ)

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I cant wait! Wonder what the ETA is.. Nice job Rocket and team, looking really good.. This melee system opens up the option of melee dueling which may not sound fun to some sounds awesome to me!
  17. I REALLY hope its melee.. Anyone want to have some axe duels to the death!? Also you guys seem to forget that they just added new MOCAP animations so id assume it could easily be done with melee to have a proper animation/swing for the axe. On that note the only thing that would be difficult to code is attack range, attack speed ect to keep balanced aswell as how much damage the axe would do. BUT I think it could be done and would greatly increase the fun in the game as it would add more options and make it easier to kill that one fuckin zombie that is attacking you without the need to use a firearm. Also.. melee axe duels as I said really honestly do sound entertaining!
  18. Epsilon (DayZ)

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    Mine Seattle 23 is also down. Yeah I'm curious as to what exactly happened to the box that was possibly hosting both of ours and if there's any others that are also down. I got a support ticket open so hopefully they get back to us soon. There support is pretty good. I do notice our CPs have a few more options for timed restarts and a new 'File Manager' tab so I can live with it being time for a bit when I see new things that are useful like that. Edit: I love these guys, again SUPER Great support and they're very accommodating. I highly recommend them.
  19. Epsilon (DayZ)

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    Mine Seattle 23 is also down.
  20. YES You are waking up on a beach, explain how you got the gun in the first place? Would make more sense.
  21. Epsilon (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    I hope the bandit skin comes back! PLEEEASE! On that note hopefully skins will be fixed, relogging into the middle of the ocean is not cool.
  22. Seattle 23 is back. Woo!
  23. Hopefully they can do that with all our servers.. as this drags on this is getting frustrating.
  24. We had a few vehicles spawn last night but they disappeared after a reset trying to get third person working. No word from HFB as of yet.
  25. Yup my server is now only 12 hours old and really nothing was changed except we tried to enable third person view on a expert server but it wasn't working. Hopefully these issues aren't common as this has proven to be disappointing as is, not to mention the fact that the server is located in seattle when all my guys are east coast so several of them get 100-150+ ping but that can be tolerated, this however can't.