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God (DayZ)

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About God (DayZ)

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  1. I think the fix for that error is pretty simple Copy the addons folder from your Arma II folder, into the Operation Arrowhead folder. that should be it Edit: I'm not certain if it's in the Arma II folder as I can't see an original in my own folder, but i have a feeling i just dragged it over. if not, you deffo need to move an Addon folder from one place to the AO folder haha
  2. God (DayZ)

    Hard Performance Problems :S

    Strange, my PC is better and runs worse... Also, most people with FPS issues are having issues no matter what setting. I can run it all on Max or all on the lowest, i still get identical FPS. so how can that be our PC's fault?
  3. God (DayZ)

    gtx 570, but only 15-20 fps. What to do?

    The older the PC, the better the graphics. This game is dated and can't make the full usage of newer rigs. The problem won't go away until the devs fix it themselves
  4. God (DayZ)

    Hard Performance Problems :S

    The game works worse, the better the PC you have it seems. It uses barely any resources in most PC's
  5. I've been on many servers with all sorts of locations and versions, and i've never been on one which gave me decent FPS. It's often high when in a wide open area, but in towns it drops to around 15, which is unenjoyable for me
  6. God (DayZ)

    can i do this?

    Yeah just look up Arma II Free, I'm using the same setup
  7. God (DayZ)

    Fps drops in MP

    I have the same issue. It's just that the game is so poorly optimized that many systems struggle to run it efficiently. Saints Row 3 did the exact same thing and they haven't even fixed it yet for the ones who are having problems
  8. God (DayZ)

    can i do this?

    Ofcourse you can, but what I suggest is that you buy operation arrowhead now and use the Arma II: Free game in conjunction with it. you can play DayZ having only purchased Operation Arrowhead. Though Arma II free only allows for low res textures. but if you ever wanted to upgrade to better looking surroundings, you can just purchase the retail version of Arma II when you can afford it
  9. God (DayZ)

    contrails in the sky?!

    I saw a plane crash yesterday
  10. Hey guys, I'm seeing a lot of threads about people with issues with their FPS. I seem to be having the same one and have tried all assortments of tweaks and patches. I've used just about every Launch setting option, the new beta and every graphical option and none make any difference whatsover When looking at what resources are being used, I see that DayZ is using only a small amount and most of my PC is left idle. So I was wondering, is there any way to force it to use more? I've attempted using the cpu=4 settings etc but they haven't changed anything Cheers,