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Posts posted by joshuagregory91@hotmail.co.uk

  1. Any silence from me' date=' is really just because things are extremely busy for me. I read the forums much, much more than I get the chance to reply (reading them, is much less time consuming than replying to them).

    I just moved city, then went almost straight to Rezzed - and then got back. Desperately trying to finish 1.7.2 and deal with all the drama and issues that crop up, not to mention the constant stream of emails.

    There's an action plan underway to deal with all of this better, so my aim is to get back into things with more time for engagement the way it was. The last thing I want, is to have the project end up all "corporate" in terms of communication otherwise the project will die.


    Wow! Thanks for replying. I love the "F**k you" attitude this project has towards big publishers. I really hope it stays that way and the big publishers ( Yeah I'm looking at you EA) pull their head out their asses and pay attention.

  2. Take a moment to educate yourself.


    According to this' date=' 1.7.2 is taking so long because it's more of a "performance and security" patch, and because Rocket is moving to Bohemia Interactive’s HQ which is based in the Czech Republic.

    In other words, calm the fuck down. It'll be out when it's out.


    Did you even read my original post?

    I said this is NOT about the release of 1.7.2! This is about Rocket/DayZ turning all corporate, and how the increasing involvement of BIS will change things.

    Like this for example:

    You will notice most studios do not have developers post or view their product/studio forums. There is a reason for this. The forums are demanded by publishers in a lame attempt to get some interest in their games.

    Could the "Rocket Silence" be from BIS?

    EDIT: It sort of sounds like I'm accusing people (Rocket/BIS) of stuff, but I'm not I simply want to have a discussion about this topic.

  3. My guess is 1.7.2 has been delayed because BIS has really begun to realize the opportunity DayZ represents and has devoted more resources to the mod. More resources means more structure and more time between updates because more work is going on which means more smoke-testing must be done internally before an update can be rolled out.

    I expect 1.7.2 is going to have a lot more than the update thread currently lists. I predict fixes for disconnect exploits' date=' tweaks to zombie detection behavior, path finding, and "warp through terrain" issues, vehicle physics tweaks, more item duplication fixes, etc.

    In fact, they might skip 1.7.2 altogether and release 1.8.0.

    Just a guess.


    Yup I too think it will contain alot more than has been listed so far.

    I just don't like the thought of BIS taking over the project, they are a great developer don't get me wrong.

    It just worries me, I like the charm Rocket brings to this mod, and i feel that BIS aren't going to help that.

  4. First of all, this is not another "Where is 1.7.2?" thread.

    I'm happy with the current build and strongly believe that patches shouldn't be rushed, and certainly should be released just because loads of kids are demanding it.

    What I'm trying to find out is if 1.7.2 was delayed because of Rezzed, as a marketing thing?

    It all seems a bit... "Corporate".

    I'm not trying to accuse anyone of anything, and I know Rocket has worked extremely hard.

    I'm just curious about the situation and would like to hear other peoples opinion on it.

    Again, this is NOT a thread moaning about the release of 1.7.2.
