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About joshuagregory91@hotmail.co.uk

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. joshuagregory91@hotmail.co.uk

    Rezzed & 1.7.2

  2. joshuagregory91@hotmail.co.uk

    Rezzed & 1.7.2

    Could the "Rocket Silence" be from BIS? EDIT: It sort of sounds like I'm accusing people (Rocket/BIS) of stuff, but I'm not I simply want to have a discussion about this topic.
  3. joshuagregory91@hotmail.co.uk

    Rezzed & 1.7.2

  4. joshuagregory91@hotmail.co.uk

    Rezzed & 1.7.2

    First of all, this is not another "Where is 1.7.2?" thread. I'm happy with the current build and strongly believe that patches shouldn't be rushed, and certainly should be released just because loads of kids are demanding it. What I'm trying to find out is if 1.7.2 was delayed because of Rezzed, as a marketing thing? It all seems a bit... "Corporate". I'm not trying to accuse anyone of anything, and I know Rocket has worked extremely hard. I'm just curious about the situation and would like to hear other peoples opinion on it. Again, this is NOT a thread moaning about the release of 1.7.2.
  5. joshuagregory91@hotmail.co.uk

    WTF Is... : DayZ ? (Hyper WTF Edition feat. rocket)

    After watching this video, I now read Rockets posts in his accent! Hes getting in my head! :-/
  6. joshuagregory91@hotmail.co.uk

    help!!! cant delete @DayZ folder!!

    If you know how to, Boot in safe mode.Then try Deleting it. Heres how to boot in safe mode http://www.computerhope.com/issues/chsafe.htm Edit: I fail at html
  7. joshuagregory91@hotmail.co.uk

    help!!! cant delete @DayZ folder!!

    He is clearly trying to delete it so he can freshly install it again. Are you using an admin account on your machine?
  8. joshuagregory91@hotmail.co.uk

    Bizon SD & Ghillie @ Heli Crash

    Soo Helicopter Crash sites aren't bugged anymore?
  9. joshuagregory91@hotmail.co.uk

    Crashed Helicopters Working?

    Can you loot the Crashed Heli's now the vehicles have been fixed?