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Everything posted by edzus234

  1. I thought of an idea after playing game ''The Walking Dead'' My idea is that players could restore electrical power for houses and live inside of them, use the buildings at countryside as a advanced camp. In order to restore the power players should find spare parts, like wires. Then they would need a tollbox to fix the electric console. Also there should be a new item that would be placeable at building doors, an iron lock, the ones you see at public toilets placed at festivals etc. This would allow the player to lock the house doors so zombies don't get in. Maybe add the abbility to barricade the doors with planks and nails, add an additional item called "box of nails" it could contain 25 nails or so. Also add a hammer. Also make the closets, drawners at houses with invetory space so items could be stored. Pros. - this would add more places where to feel safe from zombies - more storage for players - just more interesting things at the mod for players to do. Cons. -As always could endurance Pvp -Bandits have easier to find looting targets. So what are your opinions about this idea? please give your pros. and cons.
  2. edzus234

    DayZ Standalone idea

    Well it would be realy the same thing as those buttons are used for, arma 2 players will know that they are used fore voice communicating through radio, giving orders etc. This idea, I think, would be perfect, also it shouldn't need a llot of work to do, just some messing around with scripts and arma 2 engine.
  3. edzus234

    Bandit Skin

    The old bandit skin was the look of Germany soldier "KSG Scout" unit from arma 2 OA, and the new one is sort of a hybrid, it's made out of the mask from Scout skin and placed on survivor skin, which is taken from PMC skin "Field Techician"
  4. edzus234

    Idea for broken leg.

    We all know what happens when a leg is broken - grab morphie and keep on walking. I have a more advanced idea - Grap the morphie use it but can't sprint and don't run automaticly, like you'd need to double tap "w" like for sprinting but you'd just start running. Leg could be fully healed in 10mins - Ten minutes because it's a game and I'm sure noone would want to wait a month for their leg to be healed.. Also add wheelchairs, liek parked near hospitals, they could be like new vehicle with top speed of 6kmph because it is quite equal to avrage handicapped persons speed. The wheelchair shouldn't have any storage slots, It could be like an faster way to travel around with broken leg.
  5. edzus234

    Vehicles, and how it should be done.

    I suggested the Car battery before, but I also mentioned car headlights, but great idea anyways and it would add more realism ofcourse, because, as you said, cars wouldn't magically dissapear, maybe there should be about 300 vehicles around the map, because there must be people who managed to drive away.
  6. edzus234

    Idea for broken leg.

    I sort of thought of the wheelchair so people could do more funny stuff, but didn't mention it so someone who is handicapped wouldn't get upset.
  7. edzus234

    Idea for broken leg.

    I think 6 hours would be a bit too long, for example, You just spawned, start running towards a house and bunch of zombies chase you, hit you sevral tiems leg gets broken and now you've gotta wait for 6 hours for it to heal, it would become annoying, but it also would add a little bit more realism and challange though.
  8. I think this idea of zombies and survivors tripping over while running or sprinting could be great, it would add more realism to game. This mainly could happen at fields, like tripping over a small rock. And what do you guys think about it?
  9. The idea is very good, For it to be made we need someone who wouldn't be lazy and made the scrpits and animations I'd love to do it but i know not a single thing about scripting
  10. edzus234

    11 Ideas

    Just thought of these things. I guess some of the could've been mentioned before but what does it change? Only gives more reason to add them to the mod. 1. This one could be hard to make, Players could form groups, ( like walking up to someone and scrolling mouse and there could be an potion invite to group, other player gets accept and deny option on side with number 1 - accept and 2- deny) and if walking with a group together the loot drops are better depending on the size of group. 2. Destroyed Humvees could have a radio communication sounds that break down time to time so it feels more spooky. 3. Sweet drinks loose their effect faster than water, that is the need for drink. 4. New car parts - Engne oil, Headlights and car battery ( the battery was included in one of my previous posts ) 5. Paradropped crates with mainly food supplies and extremly rarely with weapons ( these could be found on rooftops of high buildings ) 6. Vehicle cover nets, these would give players chance to hide their cars from choppers. ( they are already in game just need to add them to the loot table, could look simlar to tents and found at military loot places ) 7. Jet crashes, they could have no loot but work as ambient objects. 8. Backpack seen on Bandit skin, otherwise they are harder to see from distance than survivors. 9. Placeable ghillie suit look on weapons, could be made by cutting the Ghillie suit with razors and glued to the weapon. 10. Fireplaces should be harder to light when it's raining to add some more realism. 11. Instead of just "car wheel" findable make it more difficult to repair car by separating the wheel from tire, so there are two iteams, the wheel and the tire. both could take 3 spaces in inventory.
  11. edzus234

    Small things

    Just had an idea of some little things. 1. Lee Enfield with a sniper scope - but spawns only at small villages, it could be as a hunting rifle ( I'd love to hear your opinions about this ). 2. Players can get in back of pickup trucks - so they are not 2 seaters. ( I guess the idea has been posted before ) 3. Destroyed humvees could have pistols near the passangers door - but also should reduce amount of these wrecks. 4. A Bow and Quiver - the quiver could replace the backpack and have like 20 slots witch can be filled with arrows, bow and arrows could be craftable ( I think it was suggested before ) 5. Molotov cocktails - the empty whiskey bottles and toilet paper could be the required ingrideants to make one. ( matches could be used to light them ( this must've been suggested before )). I hope you like these ideas, I'd love to hear your opinions about all of them.
  12. edzus234

    Sevral ideas

    These are some of the ideas me and my friend got while playing together. 1. Reduce amount of destroyed vehicles and make them lootable for car parts ( if you have toolbox ) 2. Ability to place an empty backpack in to your backpack ( takes 3 slots as tent ) 3. Make spawns away from shore, like midland or so. 4. ( This is good if 3. idea is made ) Make cities contain more loot, cars, bicycles etc. ( all loot is set high value in Elektro, Cherno and Zelenogorsk ). 5. Add Big zombie hordes that wander around woods. 6. If hit by zombie more than 4 times become infected, can be cured with antibiotics + Blood transfusion, if not die within 1 or 2 hours. ( turns corpse into a zombie ). 7. Add Car batteries. If they run out, lsoe abbility to turn on the car. 8. Add random camps around woods, that contain some food, ammo and maybe handguns, tents should be takeable from them. 9. Some house doors should be blocked with planks, need the crowbar to get them open. 10. Sevral houses in middle of farmland have electricity but are abandoned players could break into them and sort of live there.
  13. edzus234

    Sevral ideas

    Just thought of a simple thing, maybe been sugegsted before. Car tires get low on air pressure when driven over some of the trash, if they would add a new item: Duck tape, then the hole in the tire could be covered up and also they could add a pump to inflate the tire (A pump and maybe a electric pump )