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About Arkaddy

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. What bandit guy? I think you have to look at the first and the last minute of the short again... Still, when dropped from a height one of his leg is broken, then, may have been a source of inspiration :D
  2. Arkaddy

    [VIDEO] Sibling Survival

    I can't turn around.. Why I can't turn around!! :D Nice video.
  3. Arkaddy

    We play harmonica and crash Hueys in our spare time

    Apparently, julian assange can fly both, with and without helicopter. :D Great video! Very fun. :)
  4. Arkaddy

    Unluckiest Thing That Happened To You?

    I started in the small islands of otmel (by the times when we still began with the Makarov, morphine, etc..). It was dark so I missed the area where you can cross walking and go swimming, and of course lost everything I had. Reaching kamyshovo i saw (too late) an infected in front of me, aggro him, hits me, and I start to bleed. Run into a house and when I close the door, not seeing where I'm standing, I break my legs with it, but I crawl inside and there is a Makarov!!..with ammo!! but the first infected that enter the house throws me a punch and I fall unconscious... all in less than 5 minutes :D
  5. Arkaddy

    [Machinima] Perfect Trap UPDATE

    Fantastic work! And funny. Oh, wait...movies are not real? :dodgy:
  6. Arkaddy

    Character wipes with patch releases

    I vote yes too. Too many reports of problems due to transfered objects from one version to another, or servers not fully updated.
  7. Arkaddy

    Seperate Stable and Testing Builds...

    Indeed, a pre-alpha maybe it's too much. But it's true that some people even refuse to enter testing until they have confirmation that the testing has done, and the game goes smooth. If we all refuse to try every kind of things for the fear of losing our belongings, then only things in we focused on are: if the zombies sees too far, if they are too much aggressive, if other players want to kill us and how to prevent it, and if our inventory works fine (even between versions). The only thing that's being tested is if it's secure for our character/stuff to stay online. I think other option maybe: every 24 hours, or week, or every update perhaps (we need to find what fit) all the characters are reset, die, and respawn. At least during the first days of stabilization of the hotfixes. Yeah, bet it's popular idea. :D
  8. Arkaddy

    I cannot pick up backpacks, only drop them

    That's right. The exact same steps always worked for me.
  9. Arkaddy

    Help Confused

  10. Arkaddy

    Flashlight question?

    I think the flashlight can be lowered as a weapon (maybe stays low when stand up from prone). Try left click to aim first, and then L.
  11. Arkaddy

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    But what would happen if they finally add some functionality to remain logged some time after disconnect, and another player finds your body and enjoy you without your consent? Imagine the number of claims in the forum, like "I want my virginity back!". Horrible.
  12. Arkaddy

    The Gray Area

    Sad. That forest it's getting farther away from the beach, and the man who once left a M1911 there.