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Rq Kempyy

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About Rq Kempyy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Rq Kempyy

    Playwith 6 - Arma 2 Problem?

    Right, tried DayZCommander. But is doing the same sort of thing. Loads up the player menu, for 2 seconds then kicks me straight to the main Menu. Tried 5 servers on different Dayz Mods, same result.
  2. Hi all, In need of assistance. I use Play With 6 for Dayz, Life, Epoch etc. Has run perfectly fine before hand, now all of a sudden whenever I try and run a server on it, it loads up fine brings me to the player menu (The point you usually click Connect), but after 2 seconds takes me straight to the Arma 2 OA Main menu. It does this for every server mode on Play With 6. I have reinstalled Arma 2 and the Mods just in case that was the problem and re-installed play with 6. I can play Arma 2, and OA fine, seems to be a problem when trying to play a mode through Play With 6. Any help appreciated.
  3. Rq Kempyy

    Looking for a buddy

    I am a UK player, on most evenings (UK Time)...
  4. Rq / Requiem Recruiting We at Requiem are looking to recruit a few more heads for our DayZ Mod Clan. We are currently playing on GLDayZ server on Play with6. Please find the below which are the MUST haves: Must speak English Must have Skype Must be on most evenings (UK Time) Work as a team Must be 14yrs+ Please below answer the below questions: Are you a Hero, Survivor or Bandit How long have you been playing? Can you Drive? Can you fly? Both Heli and AP What group member are you? i.e. Medic, Rifleman, Marksman, Scout, Carrier. For a fast track, please feel free to add me on skype SlumzyTW. We also do not accept Hackers, and are looking to play the game for fun, as well as challenging other clans within our server. Rgds, Kempyy