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Genki Dama

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Everything posted by Genki Dama

  1. Genki Dama

    [Wallpaper] DayZ HD

    If you like these please subscribe to my YouTube channel and help support the growth of DayZ. Channel: http//www.youtube.com/TheSeriesGamers If you think these need improved, please fill free to tell me :)
  2. Okay guys after do a fresh re-install of windows , installing all of arma2 files (AO) and DayZ and OC'ing my CPU I decided it was time to see what it would run like with such an overclock... got into the game started to join server... BAMMMMMMMMMMMM "Global ban #7000 or something onto those lines" Hmm I take it I will have to contact BE?
  3. Hello guys, so today I decided that I would OC my cpu from 3.4(my initial OC) up to 4.0Ghz. In the towns I got around 23 fps, would I see any major increase at this stage, with the OC I have now. Also please share your fps/clock speeds, so others with similar systems might be able to see what kind of FPS they will get :) Edit my spec ____________ Gtx 680 i7 950 @ 4.0Ghz 16GB RAM H100 cooling Gaming at 1080P (1920x1080)
  4. Genki Dama

    Will I see a good gain?

    What do you think of the temps? Stress tested for nearly 3 hours :D
  5. Genki Dama

    Will I see a good gain?

    I got the H100 today, that's why I OC'ed to 4ghz lol but I cant get higher than 4.4 anyway, since mine isnt a K series :'( We have a pretty similar setup I guess haha, yea my gtx 680 is like using a 460 it doesn't do anything really lmao
  6. Genki Dama

    Will I see a good gain?

    Sorry to hear :(
  7. Genki Dama

    Will I see a good gain?

    I have but you have to stress test for a couple of hours first ;)
  8. Genki Dama

    Will I see a good gain?

    It ran fine before OC -_- just wanted to know if it would help any by OC'ing it up to 4Ghz... So I dont need to reinstall anything xD 6GB is what I myself would recommend for new pc gamers :P so look at this noobs ;) Low resolutions dont actually impact the at all, or we would see all games going over 300fps :P
  9. Genki Dama

    Will I see a good gain?

    I see, seems about right :) hopefully after these stress tests are done I can jump in and see what it's like!
  10. Genki Dama

    Will I see a good gain?

    I do play more games than DayZ -_-" Plus I also make videos and it greatly decreases the rendering times. Don't make assumptions.
  11. Genki Dama

    Will I see a good gain?

    +1 for the use of GTX 470! They were one of my all time fav gcards! Had 2 in sli not so long ago :D Yea though usually servers restart before your fps gets to that stage :P or at least the ones I go on :P
  12. Genki Dama

    Will I see a good gain?

    In towns 0_o or in the wilderness?
  13. Genki Dama

    Will I see a good gain?

    depends on the game though. I.E. in say metro 2033 your GPU will be used more than the CPU. In Arma 2 (DayZ) it depends more on the cpu, except shadows and HDR which uses the GPU :)
  14. Get used to it, this forum is the worst I have seen...
  15. Is this server gone yet? Please say it is.
  16. Genki Dama

    I like the game and all.. But.

    Real server, all these are real servers, you douche, GTFO kthnxbye
  17. I know many problems can arise out of this: 1- People may face charges or other problems related to bandwidth usage. All the person has to do is contact their ISP for details and what not. 2- People getting items easily, defeats the purpose of the game. This would be a big problem, for example a person will go onto their own server get items then go onto another server with a lot of people and basically be OP'ed Unfortunately for me those problems, aren't really problems at all. I want to make a home server so my youtube subscribers (who subbed because of dayz) can play together with me. It would be pretty much a normal server but I can play against and with my followers. I have a £2000 gaming pc , so spec wise I'm capable of allowing 30-50 people of a server at one time. Also my ISP doesn't really care about their bandwidth. Since the past week I have uploaded around 40GB of videos. BT Infinity 2 is great, unlimited bandwidth ftw. (75MB download and 16MB upload) So why exactly should I need be accepted? For me paying large monthly cash sums for hosting services is just no feasible. Yet I want to make a server. People will know if they can make a server, they will read up about it first. That's what I loved about minecraft, yes you could buy hosting and go from there, but you were also given the option to start a server from home, which was great for youtubers like myself to engage with their audience in a more feasible way.
  18. If you would like to watch me play DayZ with a couple of other random people click this link. The stream will hopefully start at 7PM but that could change :) http://www.twitch.tv/theseriesgamers#
  19. Or maybe dont have two instances on ¬_¬
  20. Genki Dama

    A better alternative to respawning

    Well to be honest after a while the game gets kind of boring you do the same thing... go loot weapons... get geared up with best weapons... then die, rinse and repeat. People then turn to just player killing for fun and then they will just spawn in either of those to places and kill new and old players :)
  21. Genki Dama

    A better alternative to respawning

    Cool idea, but this would just make electro and cherno some serious PVP places :(
  22. So there are two scenario: 1. I shot a guy in the ass 3 times does not die, shoots me once, my health goes to 2k from 12k bleed out and die (both of us using enfields) 2. Shot a guy once he dies... The second one could be explained by the other guy maybe having less blood, though I doubt it unless he had lower than 8k. The first one is the big mystery xD
  23. Genki Dama

    Lee enfield damage seems to vary...

    I dont think it was, as soon as i shot him blood appeared :/
  24. Okay so I have an i7 950 that has 8 threads, which translates into 8 virtual cores in total, though it still is only a 4 core processor. On TM it shows 8 cores, would I therefore put -cpucount=8 or -cpucount=4? Also, would I get more fps with HT on or HT off?
  25. This is mainly for new players, but it may be helpful to other players, who are currently using six launcher. If a video like this has been created, I do apologise. :)