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Everything posted by Jack6

  1. Jack6

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    Oh these fanboys are pissing me off now
  2. Jack6

    Spawn "balancing"

    So, the devs idea of "balancing" spawns is to make all the spawn zones entirely in the east and none in the west? It's just ridiculous, why can't the spawns just go back to how they were and focus on more important things. I'm not even going to play the game if the spawns remain as they are, I don't have the time to walk for 30 mins + every time I re spawn
  3. Jack6

    Spawn "balancing"

    Yeah, of course, because that one unlikely statement you just made obviously proves me wrong! Silly me!
  4. Jack6

    Spawn "balancing"

    Ok so if the game is about interacting with players, where am I likely to find players? That's right, cities/military bases! We have a winrar over here!
  5. Jack6

    Spawn "balancing"

    No, what i do is spawn in a town with about 300 dead bambis in it, search every building to see if there's any loot. Find nothing except a ruined pair of jeans, realise it will take 30 mins to the nearest spot which is likely to have loot, begin running only to rubberbanded all the way back and THEN I ragequit
  6. Jack6

    Spawn "balancing"

    How else is it supposed to played then currently? Find food and water and just run around aimlessly finding more and more food and water? "Surviving" against the zombies which have probably already all been killed C'mon, tell me how it's "supposed" to be played
  7. Jack6

    Spawn "balancing"

    Honestly I don't understand the issue with Balota, if you want realism, what's unrealistic about an army base having lots of ARMY loot. It gives players somewhere to go and fight if they want to, I actually love going there and robbing people, or just looking for any contact at all, because to be honest what else is there to do? I'm not even going to pretend that I'm a good guy bandit killer, bambi saver, because I'm not, I'll happily KOS somebody if he has good gear.
  8. Jack6

    Spawn "balancing"

    Well the mod was just fine, my point of this thread is that spawns should be balanced, you should be able to spawn all over the coast
  9. Jack6

    Spawn "balancing"

    Haha, no need to get bitchy, little boy.
  10. Jack6

    Spawn "balancing"

    Topkek so Funny l0lz no.
  11. Jack6

    Spawn "balancing"

    No, I just haven't been playing, it's unplayable atm
  12. Jack6

    need people to play with

    You must also have a pair of solid gold shoes whilst pooping out diamonds. Any more requirements?
  13. I'm new to DayZ and i consider what i had to be pretty good, i have a british assault pack, Saw LMG, m107 sniper, all equipment, can of mountain dew, and more... i was looting NW airfield and all of a sudden i got a broken leg and just instantly died, along with everybody else in the game (about 2 people) and the hacker got kicked.. I don't understand why somebody would do that? what possibly could these 12 year old faggots gain from doing this, do they feel special about themselves because they are l33t hazorsz? i hope standalone completely rids of hacking, why download a game which is notorious for hard-to-survive game play, etc.. just to cheat and make it easy and boring... RAGE./////
  14. Al right, thanks buddy
  15. That's like me buying a gun and killing 20 people and my excuse is court "i paid for it, i'll use it how i want"