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Everything posted by godtoldme2killu

  1. godtoldme2killu

    Really bad ideas that suck!

    I made a suggestion in the proper thread. This could incite one to flame a thread. No spam, please!
  2. godtoldme2killu

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    Great suggestion. I found myself tracked for hours because of one fire. I am tired of helicopters sweeping my position turning me into the next meal for the zombies. On another note, making camp fires inside buildings makes the game look and feel dumb. No more wet wood to cook my meat!
  3. godtoldme2killu

    SA Suggestion: Trashcans/Bins, Dumpsters.

    I like the stash idea. This gives the idea of a 'treasure hunt' by a wounded character like the movie The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Or maybe hacking computers would also be another addition. Found a laptop with locations of all this persons stash spots and former unit count. Possible intel is always useful in future scavenging, raids or to alert others of bandits.