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About Eklipse

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Eklipse

    Session Lost

    if you are asking about my Dayz commander, Dayz, and namalsk map being up to date, than yes. But, with my arma 2 I am unsure. Also, I am running the free version of arma, downloaded from the arma website. I'm kinda cheap :X
  2. Eklipse

    Session Lost

    So, I just recently came back from about a month break of DayZ, to find out I can't play on my favorite map, Namalsk. I used to be able to play this map with no problems at all, now when I go to join a server from the Dayz Commander I get "session lost" in the lobby/load screen, and now I am getting you have been kicked off the game. It is quite annoying, I have everything up to date. I am joining servers that are all up to date with mine as well. Some help would be amazing because i'm clueless and I have spent countless hours now searching the web for a fix, still nothing. Thanks in advance! Edit: Just found out when I join a server through Dayz Commander I get "Session Lost" in lobby, but when I join through the server list in-game, I get "You have been kicked off the game", and I am able to play Chernarus, just not Namalsk.