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shifftie (DayZ)

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Posts posted by shifftie (DayZ)

  1. Want to be apart of a fresh Zombie slayers team?

    ZED HUNTERS is for YOU!!!!!

    We have our own server and are now recrutiing for active members to not only play on the server but to enjoy the game as it should be! The server is going through loads of change to make it better and to improve the mod.

    If your interested PM me on here and i will get straight back to you or simply post below!!

    Server IP

    Server Port


    Server Name

    UK ZED Hunters| No Bloddsuckers|

  2. Running,Fighting,Screaming

    Come play on the up and coming "Racon City" Server. New to the scene of DayZ but in no way new to the Arma series.

    Our server is currently going to run Charnerus on Vet for the hardcore players that want the real deal in the end of the world. Offering a 50 man server we are happy to have groups,clans or the solo players come and join us.

    Lets try and make something new and make a community on the server. If you a bandit or a survivor your all welcome. Come pop on and take a look around see how you feel about it all. Im going to be making videos of my gaming and uploading them to youtube. So keep an eye out for them while watching you back in the world :).

    SEARCH: Racon City

    Using Dayz Commander


    We are offering a great chance to become and admin on the server and to help the daily running. Simply message me and tell me what you can bring to the server and we shall go from that.

  3. Hello fellow living players.

    Little about me i suppose??!!! Well my game name is Shifftie i have been around the arma seen for wow years have loved making missions and being in squads (clans). I have taken some time out until i found this mod and had to get straight on it. However i have hit a few problems with it all but managed to get on tonight.

    Now that i have finally got Dayz working im looking to team up with people to learn the ropes and find a nice server. I would also maybe like to join a regular group.

    If your interested in offering a fellow noob help them i will be online tommoz about 6 o'click (london time).

    Happy hunting

    • Like 1

  4. Im using retail and i can 100% say im not using hacks. Im in the process of a fresh install of arma i have a funny feeling i put addons in my addons folder awhile ago to make a campaign but never took not of what they was.

    It is all servers i did however manage to get the gender select screen one one server. I will update again when i know more and hopefully have the solution :) Thank you for all the support tho great community.

    • Like 1

  5. I have been trying to play Dayz for weeks now but with no luck. I managed to get the Dayz Commander working and everything was working fine but whenever i try and join i have a red battleye message in the bottom then im kicked? Any ideas how i can sort this? I really want to get on and play this mod.......

    I keep trying and im always kicked from every server even with a low ping?
