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About BennyTiberius

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. BennyTiberius

    Server Admin messing with me? Hacker?

    No I waited out the abort/in combat process each time. I expected the "Cannot abort near enemy player" message but it didn't pop up which only makes it stranger. Also they never climbed the ladder or came up the stairs. Everything about it was just weird.
  2. I've been playing Dayz off an on for a year and something out of the ordinary happened. I logged in to the top of an airport tower and immediately heard lots of zombies so I knew someone was at the airport. I spawned laying down and crawled slowly to the stairs (sniper rifle out). Suddenly I get disconnected with "Session Lost". I log back in and slowly go down the stairs and am instantly met with a flail of SD rifle fire. I make it back up the stairs, since they didn't pursue I was able to do the 30 second abort. I login an hour later and instantly an explosion rocks the building, (sounded like rocket launcher). I manage to abort. Login 30 minutes later and someone instantly starts throwing grenades at the tower. I mean wtf? TLDR: Logged in near player, Session lost error. Got shot at when re-logging. Re-logged twice (intervals) and instantly attacked (explosions).