I've been playing Dayz off an on for a year and something out of the ordinary happened. I logged in to the top of an airport tower and immediately heard lots of zombies so I knew someone was at the airport. I spawned laying down and crawled slowly to the stairs (sniper rifle out). Suddenly I get disconnected with "Session Lost". I log back in and slowly go down the stairs and am instantly met with a flail of SD rifle fire. I make it back up the stairs, since they didn't pursue I was able to do the 30 second abort. I login an hour later and instantly an explosion rocks the building, (sounded like rocket launcher). I manage to abort. Login 30 minutes later and someone instantly starts throwing grenades at the tower. I mean wtf? TLDR: Logged in near player, Session lost error. Got shot at when re-logging. Re-logged twice (intervals) and instantly attacked (explosions).