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Everything posted by Drunkpunk082

  1. I have banned several players just today. Do you have any idea who the dog was? I have banned jamal (for the second time, he came back with a new GUID), two DZM members (one was hacking, the other is associated with him so he gets the ban hammer too), and about 4 others that were running scripts. Please keep reporting anything unusual you see here and I will do my best to catch them. Unforturantly this game is very easy to hack and this world has too many 12-18 year old kids living in there moms basements with more free time then they know what to do with. I just wish one of these punks would show up at my door so I can stick my fist so far up there *** they couldn't sit down for a week. I mean what benefit do they get from ruining others attempt to have fun.... I will not tolerate this, all of my bans are reported to the community and I will be very aggressive with this. -Drunkpunk
  2. Yes they all have the black smoke and at night they even emit light like its on fire. Much easier to spot them at night. Always in open fields, you won't find them in the middle of a bunch of trees. Find a car of some sort and it will make finding them much easier. About the hacker... Do you know what day/time that happened? Names of anyone you suspect? Name of your friend? Need more info so I can search the logs and find out if I need to ban someone.
  3. Hah good. Glad he got what he deserved then lol. Thanks for being an active member Flyangler. We had 15+ players today so the community is growing! That's not counting any of my crew which I beleive is 6 strong now. So 20+ active players, still looking for more! If you are looking for a Vanilla DayZ server join us at US 420 Dallas. My admin's and I are on every day and I monitor this thread and my email several times everyday. If anyone has issues with hackers please don't hesitate to contact me and I will either rollback the server or replace the lost gear. Thanks for playing on US 420 Dallas! -Drunkpunk
  4. It's not as hard as it seems.. We spent some time scouting around and found a couple chopper crashes already, one with a DMR! Wanted to give a quick shout to Marcus. Sorry for killing you both times in Cherno. I was just looking for car parts and somehow we ran into each other TWICE in almost the exact same spot lol. You had a gun and I learned long ago to shoot first ask later. Luckly I was full and without vehicle so I left most of your stuff there. -Drunkpunk
  5. Looks like the hacker also changed my starting loadout somehow.. It has been reset to the default vanilla DayZ loadout. One bandage, Painkillers, and a flashlight. -Drunkpunk
  6. We had our first hacker attack last night. Admins were quick and promptly banned him. We did have to perform a roll back of 15 min to fix the damage done. Downtime was around 3 minutes. I have installed 2 new anti-hack protocols with custom script detection. We can't stop every attack but rest assured we are monitoring the server and hackers will not be tolerated. In the event of an attack that is not stopped by an admin or my anti-hack software don't hesitate to contact me by email. My email is in the server MOTD. I will personally review the logs and replace anything lost by the attack. That all said, we are still looking for more players. If you are looking for a vanilla DayZ experiance then join up and know your progress will be protected by our diligent admins.
  7. Don't be sorry its the name of the game! You do what you have to so you can survive. We love the interaction and risk involved in DayZ. That being said we are still looking to build a larger player base so anyone that hasn't tried out the server but loves the public hive, log in and check it out! We have around 5-8 players on most of the daytime hours and would like to get closer to 15-20 online at all times. Server is extremely stable, restarts are set to 3 hours so the Heli crashes will be refreshed several times throughout the day. My personal e-mail is provided on the MOTD in case you have any issues or feel free to post here and I will address them. Now listen up, you primitive screwheads. This... is my BOOMstick! The 12-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. -Drunkpunk
  8. For anyone currently playing or new players joining my boys and I tend to hang out near Stary Sobor and NW Airfield so come find us for some action. We still haven't established a base and are fairly under geared still (Couple of M16's, AK's and one M14 AIM). Plenty of cars and places to setup camp still!! Server is currently set to +-12 GMT, and most of my crew play around 1:00pm - 1:00am CST. So join up, grab some guns and give us hell!
  9. I would probably avoid nighttime at first till you get a feel for the game. You will die a lot be it day or night. I have had requests to set the server up for full moon nights and have been thinking about it. I don't want to ruin the vanilla feel but some of the darker nights are almost unplayable even with stuff like flares and chemlights. The game certainly has a steep learning curve and a clunky interface but once you get it down, it's manageable.
  10. After you get it all downloaded google DayZ Commander. Download and install that. Then goto the install/update tab and make sure both ARMA 2 OA BETA, and DayZ are up to date. After that just goto servers and in the filter type US 420 Dallas. Alternatively check my first post and the IP and Port are listed there. You can add the server by IP in the FAVORITES tab. Glad to have ya, and let me know if you have any more trouble setting it up.
  11. :P Yeah nice move. Enjoy that M107 and Coyote pack I spent the last 3 days hunting for! It's been quite exciting to have someone stir it up a little. You put a fairly large dent in our attempt to get organized. Back to shotgun's and AK's for a bit but don't let the zombies get you before I do, Ill have that M107 back soon enough haha... On a side note we have yet to identify your partner in crime, but we will and let him be warned we will show no mercy! Enjoy the beans :beans: while you can. -Drunkpunk
  12. Had a couple of guys on last night, thanks for joining up! Feel free to post any problems/issues here and I will respond asap. Glad you enjoyed it. Its low pop right now but I am advertising diligently to raise the numbers. So gear up, setup a base and prepare for the onslaught of players to come! -Drunkpunk