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About bf_

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  1. It looks down from DayZ Commander and from the game, and Panda's signature represents server's state just before restart: it says "scanned 15 minutes ago".
  2. Panda, for how long the gameserver will stay down?
  3. No, I mean cheaters. There was also too much unfamiliar nicknames, so I suggested whitelist failure. Some was kicked for illegal items.
  4. Who turned whitelisting off? >:( Two of my teammates got teleported into air and then died.
  5. Just witnessed (about 15:25-15:30 UTC) something like combat logging: saw a player on the ground floor of Electro's school (GR: 104130), shot him about 5-6 times (used M4 CCO), witnessed him falling and bleeding for 3 seconds, then he disappeared. After 30 seconds or so he reappears in the same place where I shot him, catches a bullet from my teammate and finally dies with two kill messages (one normal and one describing friendly fire kill). Player name was CHICKENGEORGE, my teammate who finally killed him named Rauk. Btw, nice login procedure: no more sea spawns, no more continious kicking. Looks like it is working :thumbsup:
  6. IMO, Panda's reply to my bugreport where he literally called me (and possibly other complaining players) a moaner is equally, if not more rude than cl0sed's post.
  7. Don't fix your scripts, don't listen to complaints, never admit your inability :thumbsup:
  8. No we not. If you can't see difference between bugreport and moaning then your server is doomed. As for me, I'm moving to another UK private server with whitelisting, and its admins look skilled enough for now :P
  9. Looks like I have a problem with a new sea teleport script: constantly appearing messages (screenshot) about me situated in the debug sea, then I get kicked after a few minutes. Then I log in again, find myself in the same coordinates (so I don't get teleported), see these messages, get kicked, and again. Nice server, nice people, but things like this can instantly ruin the gameplay.
  10. I confirm, but that was military Mi-17, not Huey. We found it outside of map/world bounds completely broken, it was there even after restart, and we can't fix it. If you need coordinates or a screenshot of this heli, we can provide it. Someone have mentioned the script running on this server which respawns broken vehicles and vehicles located beyound map bounds during restart procedure. Seems like it is broken or not running. UPD found it:
  11. - Name: - Location: - GUID: - Name: - Location: - GUID: Got tired of cheaters and combat loggers, looking for an active server with good reputation. Is it okay to use our own VOIP for private communication and in-game voicechat to interact with other players on this server?