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Everything posted by domey

  1. Hey there fellas ! I'm not certainly sure this is the right place for me to ask for help but i guess its worth the try ! I'm running a dayz server with a friend of mine & we are struggling with some of the settings our players would like to be implemented. The first thing is we would like to spawn all our vehicles fully repaired, we figured out it works if we just change the database entry from 0 to 1 in the fully repaired section, but this needs one of us to be present at the time the restart is happening and thats not allways the case, so we tried to find some script that does that for us but we're helplessly lost. So this is the one thing we're searching help for... The next thing is that our server is playing the map lingor and people keep complaining about the low spawnrate of tents, is there a way to increase the spawnrate of just 1 specific gear part ? If so i would be really happy for a lil hint how to do it... so yeah thats the two major problems we got and i would really appreciate any help you have to offer and im sorry if this is not the right section for questions. thx for reading so far
  2. :D Thats exactly what i needed thanks guys <3 and we're renting our server on DayZ.st btw :>