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Everything posted by jayrock

  1. jayrock

    Hunting ~end of may

    SHEEP FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. jayrock

    Is there any no zombies servers?

    lol go play rust then gtfo herrreeee
  3. jayrock

    implement nudity/scat/piss. : THE DISCUSSION

    this is fucking stupid who cares dont play the game if you dont want to see it
  4. jayrock

    Night- Heat Vision goggles/Scope

    If you make NVGs common enough everyone will get them thus evening it out Id rather have NVGS so i can venture at night becuase even with gamma up and brightness lets face it you cant play at night
  5. jayrock

    Night- Heat Vision goggles/Scope

    are you stupid? NVGs in the mod are common loot with out the NVGs night play is impossible its not to OP to have nvgs quit being a little pussy about getting killed
  6. jayrock

    Help me

    It wont let me change from female to male ingame any fixes?
  7. jayrock

    In game Brony Meetup!

    I would like to attend this for i am a fellow /b/ro B) Looking forward to it guys! :D
  8. Respect for you has instantly down graded its a fucking game its not suppose to be 100% on realistic. and for the killing get the fuck over it or get the fuck off the game.
  9. Well guys why is everyone bitching about the hackers I've only ran into a few and it was never a major set back unless you get nuked. I'm not saying ignore the hackers but don't say the games unplayable or gay because you had a bad experiences just give it time it is in Alpha. But the forums are not a place to bitch about the hackers there is already 1000+ threads on it and obviously they are trying to work on it because I've seen less and less. The real problem you guys have is patience, Which you need because hackers will always roll along and hack but you don't throw a game in the trash because its so on so "gay". but yeah there is my little 2 cents hope this enlightened you as i tried to keep it short. Don't give up and keep trying it will get better guys. B) :beans:
  10. jayrock

    Everyones bitching :(

    I honestly think the hackers like the attention. I know when i troll people i like watching the aftermath. Dont you think that we just enable them more by complaining? I mean I do if I was hacker i would love to come her and watch everyone piss and moan it would be funny as fuck. But on the other hand im not so its just annoying as fuck. But i didnt start this for people to argue but its going to happen anyway cause its the internet. I just think people should give it no attention at all for a while and just see what happens I could be wrong but whats the worse they will do keep hacking. B)
  11. IRL Information Name: Jared Age:17 Location: Wyoming USA Timezone: Mountian Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: yes Game Information IGN: Tyrone Biggums Steam ID (if applicable): Bigwainer something along those lines Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): sniper/reconciliation Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): Well for one I really need a better group to run with that is active. Im interested in you guys because of the whole greenmountain base that is bad ass! I'm great and stealth and recon missions and think I would be a great asset to the team. I hope to get a reply back from you guys and ill see you on the killing fields boys. What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: stealth, reconciliations, funny (if that applies) and an all out great person!
  12. lol fuck yeah ill do this i got nvgs and camping tents and plenty of sniper rounds im down
  13. jayrock


    Cept for it crashed at 11 16 PM...
  14. jayrock

    I Hear the Flies!!!!

  15. Hey I'm 16 but Ill roll with you guys im pretty funny
  16. jayrock

    Help please :)

    well i just put the files in the folders and all that and when i go to play i get in a server go to the loading screen with tanks then back to the lobby what do i do about that??
  17. I click the mirror button and it says error loading the page and i refresh but it doesnt help.
  18. jayrock

    The ultimate Survivor/Bandit

    Fuckin A' guys wana team up i need some pals to roll with who arent bitches
  19. At bro ill play with you if its a commentary im hilarious and will gain viewers for yea hit me up!
  20. jayrock

    The ultimate Survivor/Bandit

    I fuckin agree You need a nut sac to play this game fuck nerfin man up and accept the truth that you suck ass at surviving
  21. jayrock

    Devils castle NY25.

    Butt hurt i tell ya hwut;)