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About ChuckGeller

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ChuckGeller

    Murder Leaderbord: LiquidShock

    Bring it on then. Its not as easy as you think it would be.
  2. ChuckGeller

    Murder Leaderbord: LiquidShock

    Okay that makes sense. I was just very confused as you just "popped" up on the number 1 spot. Sorry for accusing you of cheating.
  3. EDIT: This has been cleared. Liqiudshock did most likely not cheat. Im sorry. I want to report the player LiquidShock who made 195 kills in one day according to http://dayzmod.com/leader/murdersa.php. His userID is 6811601. This number also shows the approximate time of the creation of the character, which I'd estimate on the 20. or 21.06.12. Killing this many people in one day legally is not possible from my experience (look for geller on the leaderbords). I would be happy to be convinced otherwise though. Maybe an Admin can check his log for odditys like: Repeating victims (He had friends to spawn near him him and killed them.) Inhumane killing intervals (Aimbot, Teleportation etc.) Thanks in advance. geller
  4. Hey, I wanted to present a small suggestion that will take away a little bit of hassle for new players. My idea is changing the starting medical gear from "bandage + painkiller" to "bandage + morphine". It would reduce a small bit of "randomness" of a leg-braking zombie/bullet hit which would render a starting character useless. Why? Because you would have to crawl until you find morphine. Where is the problem? Morphine is rare. Unless you have a hospital or military building nearby, you have a ~0.08% chance to loot it in a residential-class building(shops, churches, homes). If you're lucky to be close to a military base, morphine spawns at a 0.96% chance (still rare). Am I too soft? :) What do you think? geller
  5. ChuckGeller

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Hey Ander, I'd personally would find it interesting to know how the distributions of rangefinders and nightvision goggles (maybe GPS) compare. Since both items have a almost similar rarity (NVG's spawn at Crashsites though), but NVG's are generally regarded as a more useful tool, I think knowing how much of them are carried around would bring alot of inside in the amount of hacked and "duped" items. geller
  6. ChuckGeller

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Extremely common in Hospitals and low Chance (<5%) in residential buildings. They should be valuable and rare, but you should know where they are if you want/need them. My 2cents. EDIT: Actually more like <2% after I compared it to other items.
  7. ChuckGeller

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Okay so the repair menu will 100% be fixed in 1.5.9. Any official statements about vehicle respawn? geller