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Everything posted by dph314

  1. dph314

    Are zombies really that easy?

    I can't believe people have been complaining about the zombies in the version. They are awesome now. Aside from the spawning and being stuck in a building, sometimes 4 fused together, I have no idea what people are complaining about. For the first time in this game ever, I lost a zombie tail by using line-of-sight! It was awesome. They hit harder now, but I lost one by running around the corner of a building a few times and then going into a crouch run right after turning the corner. It was awesome! They also are not equipped with super-senses like people seem to be saying. I was crouch-RUNNING right behind one, on grass, and didn't aggo it. I was probably only 10 feet away, running. The line-of-sight might have been increased, since my Visibility meter seems to show I'm much more visible when running and crouch-running. But the Sound meter isn't showing anything too crazy. What are people saying has become so difficult now?
  2. My framerate seems to have gotten worse at times as well. When looking at a town, it plummets, yet GPU and CPU usage doesn't go up or max out. Probably Arma2 engine related. Yes, I agree after the loot spawning is fixed, this will be a great patch. Also, the zombies need some tweaking. Spawning in the floor is quite common. Attacking through walls and walking through walls still occurs as well. I did lose a zombie by running around a corner, so LOS seemed to have worked well.
  3. What settings were you playing at when it overheated?
  4. Just got done with my first run. The first login I spawned in the open field. After many logins on, then on 1.7, then from beta OA to regular, I was finally able to spawn in the forrest way west of the map. Making it back to the map, I found that the zombies were not as easily aggo'd as some people seem to think. I was crawling within 7-8 feet of them and no aggo. When I saw one alone, I purposely ran past him to test the LOS, because there was a long-house just past him. I aggo'd then ran around the corner of the house and immediately crouched and continued walking. It was an amazing sight to see a aggo'd zombie be dropped from my tail :). LOS did work. Inside buildings, I'm having the same problem as others with the zed spawns. They are in the floor, sometimes 3 or 4 fused together, lookin' like a wierd alien zombie. And when aggro'ing the ones outside of the long-house with a gunshot, they started coming in through the walls. Also, they were still walking on the ground level, not the slightly elevated level of the cement floor in the long-house, so they were up to their thighs in cement floor. There was no loot whatsoever, aside from tin cans, in the houses/buildings I went in. Not sure if everything has just been made super-rare, or if this is a glitch. But, right away I noticed a lot more animals. Like, a lot more. I used to come across them once in a while. Just now I saw 2 cows within shooting distance of eachother, then a boar over the next hill, then in a few minutes I saw 2 pigs somewhat close to eachother, and a bunch of rabbits all along this 15-minute run. Looks like if you can't cook meat you're going to be starving to death a lot more often unless loot spawns are tweaked. Performance-wise, I saw little difference. Still hovering at only 70fps while GPU usage stays around 40% on each card. Not sure, but I'm willing to bet most problems related to this will be issues with the Arma2 engine itself and not solely DayZ. I did not have any lag at all though, which was good.
  5. Take some of your own advice.
  6. Please leave so the rest of us can make it easier for Rocket to develop this game
  7. I said you become your own worst enemy because if Rocket had nothing to read though everyday but posts that were in some way contributing and beneficial, then he would see what the community wants a hell of a lot faster. He wouldn't have to read through 10 bullshit posts just to get to one good one. So good job on creating a downward spiral for yourself if that's all you do is come on here and waste the dev's time while complaining about stuff that YOU are causing to take longer to be fixed. Another summary- Please look in the mirror, slap yourself repeatedly, and then break the mirror since apparently you aren't grateful for the things you have.
  8. Do people really still think that they paid for DayZ? Are you people insane?? An independent contractor for Bohemia developed a mod that is in no way being paid for the mod. You bought something else, not DayZ. Think about it.
  9. Everybody should start offering constructive criticism or get the hell out. YOU ARE VOLUNTARY T-E-S-T-E-R-S, NOT PAYING CUSTOMERS! Act like you actually have a clue what you signed up for. When you downloaded this mod, you agreed to test it. Have you ever played the Alpha version of a game? Obviously not. Cut the bullshit posts about 'uninstalling this game' and 'its not fun anymore'. If you have a problem with a new feature, or believe that it can be tweaked in some way to make it better, state your observations in a respectable manner that is concise, to the point, and free of negative bias purely based on the fact that you died. New features will constantly be TESTED, whether it's because it's a feature that the dev is thinking about adding to the final version, or because there's a certain aspect of one feature that they need tested before considering implementing it's use for something else entirely. Which is, basically, THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE ALPHA VERSION. There's no loot anywhere? Then let the developer and everyone else here know about it. But stick to the facts and only offer opinions that are actually at least somewhat helpful in some way. Offer suggestions that can actually be used. You are your own worst enemy when you start bitching on here and don't offer a well thought-out description of your situation, because you only make things worse instead of better. Get off your throne and think for a second about what you are involved in. Was this game held back from release until money could be made off it? Or was it released FREE so that the users, us, the community, could offer insight into it so that it could be made better? This is a free mod, and YOU are NOTHING MORE THAN AN ALPHA-VERSION TESTER. When was the last time a community such as this had so much say and interaction with the developer of a game? Summary- I can't stand people that are ungrateful for things in life that are GIVEN to them.
  10. You're the MAN Rocket! I love this game ALMOST as much as I love you ;). Quick question...what does this one mean? * [FIXED] Tent pitching (Who the hell codes tent location checks TWICE before pitching? Oh apparently I do) How did the tent codes change or what not?
  11. I'm friendly if I come across someone that I've seen chatting for a long while and they still seem friendly. You can usually tell after a while if someone is 'faking' friendly or if they really are. Aside from being entertaining once in a while, the side-channel chat is nice to use to feel people out. Since it's obviously a game, your "perception" of other players is limited. And since this isn't LA Noir where you can really try to 'read' a person, analyzing their chat is the only way to gain insight into someone. I for one, because of that, will not enjoy moving to direct-comm only.
  12. Fuck this. I hope people get banned for this shit.
  13. I just saw this for the first time. Two screenshots below show what I saw. They were these orbs of light that were around the zombies' heads. Every zombie in sight. Even ones not in sight. The orbs even highlighted the zeds that were blocked from my direct line-of-sight by trees and even land. Has anyone seen this before? Glitch maybe? Made things a hell of a lot easier, ha. But the server was restarted shortly after taking these screenshots and I didn't get a chance to ask the server name before I got booted.
  14. This never happened to me before. Not sure what you're doing to cause this. I broke a leg once crawling over a doorway, so now I just crouch whenever I have to go through one that isn't completely flat (flat like the cement ramp going up into one of those long-houses).
  15. I can't stand asshole admins like this. ONE instance of this and Rocket should take the server down. They hide all the vehicles off the map and then restart the server when someone finds them? Fuckin' pussies.
  16. dph314


    Ah, so it's left over from Arma2? Well, these orbs definitely didn't go away when I looked at the zeds. In fact, there were no orbs along the border of my screen. I only saw them when I was looking at the zeds. So it's just a rare setting that 90% of servers disable? Played dozens of servers over my 100 hours of gameplay, never seen 'em before. Edit: Ok. Yeah I don't play many 'Recruit' servers, so that might be why I never saw them. But they didn't go away at all when looking at the zeds.
  17. dph314


    So is this a glitch? Or some 'Super-Easy Mode' that I don't know about that can be activated server-side?
  18. dph314

    Dayz as an AntiGame (wall of text warning).

    Interesting post indeed. Only skimmed through it though. But the part about the direct-comm ambush was sweet. I do like Skype for teamwork, but it's interesting to think about having 3rd-party programs like Skype not allowed and being forced to use the in-game chat and direct-comm channel. It would make the 'immersion' a little better since you really do have to 'whisper' or not talk at all since someone might over-hear you talking. Kind of cool when you think about it. I wonder if Rocket ever considered trying to patch in some code that will disable 3rd-party communication programs. I don't even know if that's possible. But, it does sound somewhat intriguing...
  19. dph314


    So it acts like an off-screen zed type of radar for you?
  20. dph314

    Can't Get to Run Nicely

    Not sure about the visual bugs, but no, a single 570 will not run this game on all the highest settings. This game is poorly optimized I'm assuming, because the only game I've had a worse time with is Metro (also a hardware-crippler). On all the highest settings possible @ 1080p except Post-Processing Effects, I have my 2500k running at a modest 4Ghz and the second core still briefly hits a peak load every minute or so. Also, after only using one of my 680's for a while, I started looking around and found that the EVGA SLI-Enhancement works amazingly well. After installing it, I can sit around 80fps with 680 SLI running at a 1275mhz core speed. You just need to turn some settings down. Post-Processing Effects for sure, since in my opinion the blurriness doesn't look all that great and it is a framerate-killer, and also Anti-Aliasing should be set to no higher than Normal, since there is a minimal difference above that but a huge load added to the GPUs. With everything maxed except PP Effects, I get a smooth 60fps with my 680's at 1275mhz and about a 80-90% load on them. So, there is literally no hope for a single 570 with those settings, especially one that's not overclocked. But the game is not demanding at all when you keep the settings down a bit. My friend has a laptop with a 1.8Ghz quad-core AMD A6 cpu and 6520G iGPU, and believe it or not he can run DayZ quite well when using a combination of Medium and Low settings. I haven't overclocked it for him yet, but after I do I'm sure he'll be able to run everything on Medium. I'd say overclock that CPU and GPU. You have 2 great pieces of hardware there, don't miss out on that easy performance boost by doing some easy overclocking :).