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About dph314

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. dph314

    Green mountain?

    I been there. Nothing wierd happened. Although I started having these wierd nightmares the other night. Heard some wierd static coming from my clock radio, and then there were these voices.... Wait! It wasn't a nightmare!....
  2. dph314

    Stupidest Ways to Die in DayZ

    Sneezing while crawling through a town full of zombies and accidentally left-clicking and firing a shot off with hardly any ammo
  3. dph314

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Um...this is EXACTLY where you should post bugs
  4. dph314

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    You guys are doing awesome work! I haven't had a chance to play in a while but when I do I'm sure I'll need something sooner or later. See you soon, ha
  5. dph314

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I say increase the count, decrease the super-hearing/seeing, and make them run slightly slower than the player so there's a better chance of losing them. I haven't played 1.7.2 yet, just got out of work. But this has been my opinion about zombies in the game for a while.
  6. dph314

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I can't believe people get mad because he all of the sudden doesnt release a patch every other day like he did for a while. It's rediculous. You guys that do that are an insult to him and nothing more.
  7. As EVERYONE in this game will. The point is= doing something fun with the time while you have it, like the OP is doing.
  8. dph314

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    This is a thread about the patch, not arguing over something pointless.
  9. dph314

    Freeside Trading Co.

    I been on vacation. Just got back, so, sorry I didn't reply to your PM sooner. Let me know when you want to do another 'meeting'.
  10. This pic is the error I get when joining a server (which all have red X's next to them now). I have the files, and the latest beta patch. The game has worked fine for me since I've gotten it. I know what I'm doing and haven't done anything different to get this error. Any help would be much appreciated. Edit- After continuing searching, the only advice I saw was reinstalling the files, even though it didn't seem to work all the time. But it did for me :)
  11. dph314


    I get depressed everytime I read a thread like this. Hackers are destroying an awesome game...again.
  12. dph314

    Fighter Jet????

  13. dph314

    DayZ Is A Running Simulator.

    This game is called a "simulation" for a reason. It's not non-stop action, and it's that way on purpose. This is also a very early version of the game, so many things will be changed and added. Instead of making redundant posts in the General Discussion section, you should come up with some ideas for new features that could be added/tested and post them in the Suggestions section or in one of the Update threads in the Announcements section.
  14. dph314

    225 km2

    I feel so smart after reading this thread.