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About LigerRider

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  1. LigerRider

    How I feel fighting against Hackers

    I deal with them by not playing DayZ. It's pathetic right now. Every time I try to play, hackers everywhere. I'm waiting for the next ban wave.
  2. LigerRider

    DayZ Cinematic

    My exact thoughts.
  3. LigerRider

    Do you prefer fast zombies or slower zombies?

    Hordes of slower zombies - Walking dead style.
  4. LigerRider

    R.I.P. Thread, characters before wipe

    All that postprocessing is hurting my eyes D:
  5. LigerRider

    A theory on random sounds

    I could be wrong, but I thought they were placeholder sounds? As in eventually maybe you'll hear wind through the trees, but atm that sound is a zombie growl. (alpha and all)
  6. LigerRider

    How did you last die?

    I was running on top of the mountain/hills northwest of Svet and I lost connection, and when I reconnected I was no longer on the mountains but falling to my death over the road.
  7. LigerRider

    And so it begins...

    If food is more rare, is the energized/hungry situation fixed? I can't speak for everybody, but I personally don't need 5 cans of beans every hour to fill myself in RL... There's no reason to die from starvation when the hunger system is fixed. You could survive days without food, carrying only water, none of this gorging beans like you weight 400 lbs.
  8. LigerRider

    In-game Currency

    The only way I could see it working is on a heavily modded private hive.
  9. LigerRider

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Double tap W to sprint and do the 'ol switcheroo.
  10. LigerRider

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    I stick a guitar pick between the 2 and 3 keys from the bottom so that it hold the W key down.
  11. LigerRider

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Welcome to the club of those of us unfortunate enough to encounter hackers. Won't be your last encounter either.
  12. LigerRider

    Duped M4s?

    There's still infinity mags going around from duping.
  13. LigerRider

    Sniping is a cowards technique?

    The game is so broken currently that sniping is the only way I can play. In a 1v1 gunfight, I can put 60 shots straight in to the person and before the game detects that he's dead, he can turn and kill me and then we both end up dead. Without a fail every time, even when I win the battle, I still die.
  14. LigerRider

    First Balancing pass on firearms

    And that is my problem with the sway. In-game, I usually have to quickly reposition in order to take a shot in the window of time I have before the player is gone, but running 10ft to the side causes my character to have that intense shaky arm syndrome, and I have to wait for that to die down again for a precise shot. However, to the second line - I feel that any half decent player can "time the shot" for when the sway goes over a stationary player. I personally feel that what makes a good sniper is the ability to estimate distances within 50m, because after around 300m you start noticing more bullet drop. When a sniper takes up position in a new town, they could be a perfect shot, but if they don't know the difference between 500m and 700m, every single shot will miss. (Just my personal opinions)