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Everything posted by monolith1985

  1. monolith1985

    Always on direct chat

    i like the idea as an option at least, less groups conspiring against someone they are pretending to be friendly with. and more authentic maybe have more than 1 channel so you could have a whisper channel that has low audible range, and a loud channel which has more audible range than normal
  2. monolith1985

    What can we expect after streamers? Long post

    depends what streamers/youtubers you watch and as mentioned above, it will do good to ween out all the nooby players who complain that survival is too hard
  3. monolith1985

    Is the amount of PvP due to the difficulty of PvE

    i find zombies die even with one shot from the pistol no matter where it hits
  4. monolith1985

    Allowing suicide

    sometimes a better spawn is just wanting to meet up with your friends. in which case if i spawned a 30 minute walk from a friend who had also just spawned, id prefer to have a quick and easy option so we could meet up in deans early access trailer he showed a woman killing herself with a pistol, it looked very cool. plus like OP mentioned you would have to find something to kill yourself with at least. Also in extreme situations some people would choose the easy way out, i think it would add an interesting narrative to a dead body you find, especially if combined with a handwritten note...
  5. monolith1985

    the issue with suicide new spawns, and how to stop it

    could possibly work, maybe if only applied to fall damage but people should be allowed to suicide to some extent, as spawning halfway across the map from a friend is never great but at the same time, i dont want my limited play time being even more limited because i spawned in the same bad spot mulitple times
  6. monolith1985

    Just my luck.

    1080i is integrated HD, which is slightly less than 1080p search the likes of ebay, id say someone would sell one for cheap not realising its value?
  7. monolith1985

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    you are asking for a fix to server hopping, and yet you do it yourself?
  8. monolith1985

    Found a UK Server with 127 Slots!

    i played on a 127 player server on the day after launch, seemed to run ok, but there was no loot, probably from people looting it. ran into about 5 fresh spawns in the same area i spawned, that was fun
  9. monolith1985

    Controller button assignment problems

    i have tried abit, but cant really adjust i prefer the mouse movement of course, but i dont like the keyboard for walking etc
  10. monolith1985

    Controller button assignment problems

    not really a debate on which is better... but until dayz i have always been a console player, so yeah im used to a controller, and it works well for me
  11. monolith1985

    Controller button assignment problems

    im not exactly sure what the problem is...but try looking up a program called xpadder it makes your computer think your control pad is a keyboard and mouse. i used it on the mod and now on the sa, and it works fine. can even use the controller on gear menus and stuff, which i found wasnt possible with just the game
  12. monolith1985

    How to aim melee weapons

    i found that last time i was playing, when raising the melee weapon, it would miss almost always (raised as in where the character holds it out like he is present a tropy - looks dumb) but if you lower the weapon and then swing, it works so so much better. so maybe try lowering your weapon? as crazy as that sounds....alpher!
  13. monolith1985

    melee attacks not hitting?

    so i was playing today and was running around with my m4 raised, being cautious, then when having to deal with zombies i would switch to the fire axe. But when attacking none of my hits were connecting, but the zombies' punches were. this happened a few times, til i think i have it figured out. if you have your melee weapon raised (kinda like you are holding it out and presenting it to someone) you can attack, but the attacks dont work. I lowered my hands and could 1 hit kill zombies easily. anyone else had this problem?
  14. monolith1985

    What are books for?

    picked up a pristine copy of alice in wonderland, might give it a read but i was wondering, is there anyway to bookmark your page, or skip to a certain page? dont think i could read the book in one go without being shot or starving to death
  15. monolith1985

    Handcuffs FAQ

    a question i have, how long does it take to place the cuffs on someone? because i tried on a suicidal fresh spawn but he resisted. so how do you handcuff someone without them seeing the text and just moving away?
  16. a smart player would log out, a fair player would stick it out, maybe try to get the upper hand on their captor and some people will want to see what happens
  17. monolith1985

    Merry Christmas

    merry christmas dayz people! i think everyone should be alot more friendly this time of year...
  18. monolith1985

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    im all for this feature, more so it would stop one guy coming up and saying he is friendly, while he is telling his friends to flank round and shoot me. which in a normal situation wouldnt happen because you could hear everything someone is saying as they stand in front of you and if the game clearly states your voice is broadcasted at all times, then its not really an "invasion" its a feature/gameplay element and if people are really that private, they probably shouldnt be playing a game with other people...
  19. monolith1985

    So Sacriel trolled everyone?

    never watched his videos, but since he hosted the dayz pre-alpha live streams with rocket, i would assume what he said at the time was what he believed to be true based on what he was told but since rocket and BI are taking a break over christmas, i would assume there was too much work needed in the patch for it to be ready on time, unless they worked up until and over christmas. also good to bear in mind that people like rocket and matt lightfoot arnt from the czech republic and needed time to travel home for the holidays
  20. monolith1985

    In Game Chat VOIP

    yeah theres nothing better than talking in chat, and then typing HELLO IM FRIENDLY :lol:
  21. monolith1985

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    i have managed to use the portable gas lamp fine. it didnt work in my hands, but i set it down then switched it on, and it worked, lit up the top 2 floors of the fire station tower, perhaps more. naturally i turned it on and ran away lol
  22. monolith1985

    Randomized classes

    didnt get soldier class when i spawned in, must kill myself over and over, get right class, have unnecessary advantages against other classes and one class will always end up being more OP compared to the rest sorry but not an idea that could work fairly in dayz
  23. monolith1985

    Little to no updates for dayz for the next 2 weeks!!!!

    they are like elves, work all year to make christmas great, then get to rest during christmas lol although il miss having some updates to the mod....cant believe i just wrote mod....i mean game!!! I think rocket and the rest of the guys deserve a break before coming back to the constant demands of making dayz better
  24. monolith1985

    Sickness, Fire Creating, Blood Bags: How Do?

    haven't tried making a fire yet. but sickness can be cured by keeping well fed and hydrated over a long period of time. and blood bags...kinda suck now, its all about the saline now lol
  25. monolith1985

    If your microphone isn't working in-game...

    when i started on the mod i had the default device problem, the sounds card had its own program controlling sound, and it was registered as a device. So i could use skype and teamspeak, but not speak in game. I did the above steps and it fixed it for me and 1 or 2 other people. So definitely worth checking if you think you can't be heard in game