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Everything posted by monolith1985

  1. monolith1985

    My experience with Frankie.

    lol too funny but yeah frankie changes his name regularly, to avoid situations like this
  2. monolith1985

    FPS boosts?

    i get between 10 and 20 fps :( side note: anyone know any good ways to boost fps? i would google such a thing but i hear it leads to scam programs that steal your cd key. was thinking of using razer game booster
  3. monolith1985

    Mic does not work in game

    another thing to check, is your windows audio settings, sometimes it sets the mic to an audio device that isnt your mic. for example mine would set to the audio manager that installed with my audio drivers, then when i changed it to my headset as default, it worked (after relaunching the game, if it is already open) hope this helps
  4. monolith1985

    Holstering Your Weapon

    yeah holstering your pistol works really well in city life, i dont see why it wasnt brought into dayz ages ago. the animation isnt the quickest, but id prefer it over bumping into a stranger and either - A: trying to move behind cover to ask if he's friendly (thus lowering my guard) which usually means i get shot, or B: shooting him straight away, just because he pointed his gun at me, when chances are he was just looking at me, but sometimes, you cant take the risk. it would make dayz a more friendly environment and bring back the old trust vs survival gameplay, instead of the giant deathmatch it is now
  5. monolith1985

    Epoch glitch?

    hit disconnect, then you will be in the player lobby, hit ok to rejoin, and it should load in. seems to be a server issue from what ive noticed
  6. monolith1985

    How to run up hills full speed

    hax! i use a controller, so gonna have to try this out
  7. monolith1985

    Help me! DayZ Freezes my PC!

    i dont remember exactly what error i had when setting up, but when you have to launch arma 2 and OA for the first time, you need to make sure they are launched as admin the first time. for some reason it didnt work for me without doing that
  8. didnt like minecraft....lol. but this is amazing work, id definitely check it out
  9. im not sure about the server time, but graphics options can change alot brightness and gamma help abit, but if you turn your HDR quality up, it makes a massive difference and when combined with an slightly improved brightness and gamma, can make it easy to see in the dark. so check your HDR settings with your friends, its under the advanced part of the graphics options
  10. monolith1985

    Screen randomly fading into complete black.

    yeah you gotta watch your weight, no more backpacks full of wheels, tank traps and such. took me and my friends a while to figure out too, but after dropping the gear it very slowly recovers, but painkillers seemed to make it go away pretty quick
  11. i would also welcome more bikes, they are good for getting around, while not having any protection or guns, which makes them balanced, maybe a normal bike and a mountain bike? already have seen it used in a few dayz mods, its pretty good for offroading
  12. if im right speed can be adjusted, at least for zombies, they were made abit faster in a recent patch i believe. But the reason they are fast is to compensate for bad path-finding, if they were normal speed they would never reach the player as they tend to..."take the long route" most times as for player speed, I definitely dont think it should be slowed down, it looks like a natural speed, and in the real world, if you were being chased by zombies and bad guys with guns, you would run pretty fast. also, it takes long enough to run to places as it is lol
  13. monolith1985

    Question about using 2 computers.

    ah damn, i need to work on getting my own computer then to enjoy the full benefits, thanks for the help :D
  14. monolith1985

    Was I in the wrong?

    seems you were right to kick owner, but i think it was abit premature to kick not the owner. but as they were both disrespectful after and didnt adhere to a reasonable request. I think you were right to ban them.
  15. monolith1985

    Question about using 2 computers.

    i have a slightly similar but different question currently on the mod, you can go to the menu and have 2 player profiles (or more), for example, mine, and my brothers. it doesnt allow us to have a unique character on the same server. but it does allow us to have different names, looks etc so we can play as different characters, as long as we are on different servers... so will standalone allow for more than 1 profile on the same account. I share a PC with my brother at the minute and dont wanna have to buy the game twice
  16. KOS' people, giant ego and uses douchey terms, must be at least 13
  17. im all for banditry, but people who just kill you to get a cheap quick kill are pretty lame. be creative in your evil once i chased a guy and knocked him out and let the zombies eat him, way more fun than some super far snipe sitting in a tree for 2 hours in a ghillie suit
  18. hey, must say this is on of my favourite servers, i only play it when i want pvp action, but its fun, especially starting with a satchel :D also i like all the ladders added around elektro, makes for some great city battles :)
  19. monolith1985

    Flight stick support in standalone

    further to that, will it support using a controller?
  20. monolith1985

    Taming Dogs?

    should just run up to them with raw meat, scroll on tame dog, and it has a percentage of working. i tried with mutton recently and it didnt work, but think i got it to work before with raw beef
  21. monolith1985

    selected ACE features

    havnt tried ACE yet, but the epoch mod features a inventory/backpack weight system, and it works pretty well
  22. monolith1985

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    people killing each other over antibiotics is kind of one of the game mechanics, beats killing someone "just cause"
  23. monolith1985

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    think ya might of meant me there lol if thats the case, i didnt mean i dont take damage etc from zombies = yay. I just meant that i noticed i wasnt taking damage when i was being hit, noting a possible glitch. I like more difficulty from zombies, as before, they were more of an obstacle to run around, in 1.7.7 they were rapists, i found so so many dead bodies everywhere, and not much else lol I cant say much for zombie damage in the current patch as...i didnt experience it, but my friends said they were losing alot of health alot quicker, so im gonna play tonight and see if i can get test them out fully, then il post my views I believe some people forget that dayz mod is a testing ground for the standalone, and changes, however drastic are welcome, as the devs can get feedback (if constructive and not just "too hard" or "too easy") to shape together the proper game. so thanks to r4zor and the other devs :)
  24. monolith1985

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    played abit the past few nights, noticed im getting hit passing zombies, as in it plays the sound, have been "hit" many times, but still on full blood, didnt bleed or get infected yet. so far liking the new fix, though still struggling to find enough loot, except food and drinks overall, im happy with the update
  25. monolith1985

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    changelog looks pretty good should provide a nice balance, while not making it too easy again :)