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About Santaman2346

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  1. Santaman2346

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey Joe I've sent you a PM, if you're still in need of assistance please reply with a server name. Thanks.
  2. Santaman2346

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I should be able to help you mate, send me a message on the forums.
  3. Santaman2346

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Eorin, I've added you on skype and am going to head to Prigorodki now.
  4. Santaman2346

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Junior I sent you a message on the forums with the server name, I'm in your location now. ~Edit~ It's night time and pitch black so I'll be using a flashlight, don't worry about it.
  5. Santaman2346

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm currently in Elektro, gathering some medical supplies and whatnot, if you're still in need of a hand send me a server and how long before you'll be on and I'll meet you and fix you up.
  6. Pretty sure you need to fix them up Yoko, then again I'm yet to find one and am only basing this on most other vehicles I've found. ~Santa
  7. Admirable goals Danneh, also it was one hell of a fight. You worked damn well (Don't mind the pun) and I wish you luck in your endeavors, actually it's nice to get attacked by a "legit" group for once and you certainly did a good job.
  8. Santaman2346

    DayZ Stories

    Last night I was searching for a decent server, now due to the multiplayer server list being nonexistent I had to find the IP address of the server I wanted to play on. This was no trouble and I was soon in a server. I spent a few minutes waiting for my previous character to die, once that had happened I respawned, however the server seemed to be causing me FPS issues so I switched to another one. Chernarus Day 0 Elektozavodsk lo The words popped up on the side of my screen, Elektro is one of my favourite spawns well that and Balota; Cherno and I never really got on. Now I did my usual looting, train station, fire station, general store, Café, office building and then to the power plant. I had only acquired a revolver by this point which wasn't too bad but wouldn't be much use if I met a player. As I neared the station I heard a large amount of flies, I climbed to the top of the tower and found two bodies, one of them had practically nothing however the other had a hatchet, not much but a weapon at the least. I started to climb downstairs when I heard shots from an M series weapon, they were to my right and below me. I lay down on the first floor of the station, hatchet at the ready pointed at the stairs. I lay here for 20 minutes or so, the shots continued and I didn't move. Then I heard a voice over direct coms, it was quiet but I wasn't sure if they were far away or whispering, it said "I can see you" "Come out" "Hello? I know you're there". I continued to lay still and didn't reply. After five minutes of silence I made my way to the main floor of the station. Nothing. I knew someone was in the area still as the shots continued, they sounded as if they were right behind me but I paid no heed now. I ran out of the fire station and out into the wilds.
  9. Santaman2346

    [Video] DayZ Ported to Podagorsk

    If this was to become the map for Dayz prior to the standalone game...well that would be amazing. What you've done looks amazing and I really hope we can see this in game at some point. ~Santa
  10. Santaman2346

    Beautiful locations discussion thread.

    Nice pictures there Andrej I think either the first picture or the last one is my favourite, I love the silhouette on the horizon but the sky in the first image just looks amazing. I think it's safe to say Chernarus is a lovely place.
  11. Santaman2346

    Beautiful locations discussion thread.

    That second picture truly is a sight, the rain always serves to immerse me further into the game for some reason, and rainbows, well I think most of us can agree they really are a sight to be seen.
  12. Hello forum goers, my name is Chris or better known by my online alias Santaman. I have created this thread so like-minded players can share interesting or downright beautiful locations that they have found whilst exploring this lovely part of Chernarus. (The game map is set in the eastern part of Chernarus in a region known as South Zagoria, or so my limited research tells me) Considering I am the one who's started this thread I think it's only fitting for me to tell you of a location that I find appealing. Castle Zub viewed from the east, the way the tower sticks out from the forest and watches over the surrounding area really strikes me. It looks even better in the early morning light or at sunset. Whilst I would like this thread to be a discussion of already seen places it would be nice if people also posted about a place they'd like to see. (For both things pictures would probably be good, I'm going against what I've said here I suppose but I can always find a picture at somepoint) Now a place I'd like to visit is the region around Skalka, I've been on top of Misty peak and whilst it's certainly a nice area it's a bit empty. On the map the region around Skalka which I think is south of the pass appears to have a few buildings that may prove interesting, the hill itself has both open and wooded areas on it and hopefully I'll be able to get a good view of the surrounding areas. Okay now that my post is done and written I open the gates to the explorers out there!
  13. Santaman2346

    How not to be seen

    Surprised noone posted this sooner, gotta love a bit o' Monty Python mind.
  14. Santaman2346

    Being a badass in berezino.

    Wowza that's a loud gun, never used the double barrelled myself but it looks to be quite devastating! ~Chris
  15. Santaman2346

    Freeside Trading Co.

    I'm guessing we're going again the same time tonight? ~Chris