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About ronstanator@gmail.com

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    On the Coast

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  1. ronstanator@gmail.com

    DayZ Teaser Trailer

    What do you want, gameplay? It's just a teaser guys, meant to pique people's interest and get them coming to the site where they can find out more. Besides, Berezino? Heli crash sites? Green Mountain, anyone?
  2. ronstanator@gmail.com

    DayZ Teaser Trailer

    Hello chaps, me again. Some of you might remember a basic teaser for DayZ I posted a couple of months back. I wasn't really happy with it, so I've redone the whole sequence and added some more footage and a couple of effects to really nail the atmosphere of Chernarus. I'm much happier with how this one turned out, but I'd appreciate any feedback. Hope you guys like it! [/url[/media
  3. ronstanator@gmail.com

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    A quick little something I threw together in Photoshop. I got the original image from here: http://thevelvetrock...<br /><br />Anyone else think that this place looks exactly like the construction site west of Cherno? I'd be surprised if this building wasn't used as a reference.
  4. ronstanator@gmail.com

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Here's a couple I put together. One is essentially a duplicate, only with much more jpeg compression for that creepy home-video look. Sorry about the grain in both images, I can produce a cleaner version if anyone wants it. For anyone wondering, the text reads "повернуть назад". 'Turn back' in Russian.
  5. ronstanator@gmail.com

    DayZ Fanmade Teaser

    That's the plan, as soon I can get everything together. Hopefully over the summer. Only trouble is, a lot of that area is private land... I had to do quite a lot of snooping to get that footage, so I'm not sure how it'll be running around with guns and zombies :P Cheers man, I left the shaking in since it was really, really cold out there and I thought it sold the shot a little better. Also, I'm not quite at the stage where I can get stabilisation to work the way I want :P In the future, sure. Same with colour correction, I tried a little but wasn't happy with the results after changing it about too much. Still, thanks for the link; I saw Plot Device a while back, I'll definitely check out RedGiant's stuff. Best of luck on your project too!
  6. ronstanator@gmail.com

    DayZ Fanmade Teaser

    I was in the area around Norwich a couple of weeks ago with my camera, and started to realise that the woods and farmland around there look an awful lot like Chernarus! I got some footage and put together a little teaser in After Effects. Quite basic stuff at the moment, but I'm planning on heading back out there with some mates to make something a bit more substantial. Here's the video: [/media]Hope you guys like it, any feedback would be appreciated.