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Ayy baby.

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Everything posted by Ayy baby.

  1. Ayy baby.

    Hero-Bandit system gone in SA?

    The hero-bandit system is dumb, hurrr durr kill 3 people suddenly change clothes.
  2. LOL practice playing DayZ, its not even hard.
  3. Ayy baby.

    Epic Lee Enfield shot by Shooter

    Amazing shot mate.
  4. Ayy baby.

    CD Key troubles ;_;

    Try playing Call of Duty, you can change gun skins on that game and get a golden gun skin or even tiger camouflage.
  5. Ayy baby.

    iv never played this game before so how do i pay

    9. Go into a major city. 10. Get a Lee Enfield + Ammo. 11. Kill anything that moves, even if it shouts friendly.
  6. Ayy baby.

    Banned Months Ago, Please Help

    Hackers shall burn in the righteous fires of hell, may god judge you accordingly.
  7. Hey guys, I got my Dayz working and to celebrate this monumental achievement I have decided to make a new clan. After Guardians of Kamenka died as no females play Dayz I decided to re-evaluate my life and make a better clan so here I am. There are no major requirements other than you must love using the Lee Enfield, I dont want anyone who gets attached to gun farming as thats for losers and nerds sorry. If you want to join write a short essay here why I should pick you to join me and I will mark your essay out of A*-F.
  8. I have come to realise that I quite possibly am the biggest DayZ sinner, everytime I die and god judges me he looks down up on my character with great shame. I kill most things that move, nobody is spared. I outsmart most people at the game. If they try retaliate they get destroyed. I make a lot of people quit the server and quite possibly the game. I make sure any experiences they have on this game are possibly some of the worst, they will not enjoy it. How do I repent for these atrocious sins?
  9. Ayy baby.

    Repenting For My Sins

    Yeah it has passed the grade.
  10. Ayy baby.

    Repenting For My Sins

    Thanks mate
  11. Whenever I try join a server it kicks me off after like 10 seconds and says battleye failed to update. When it lobby it says battleye is initialized so it doesnt want to update. I've redownloaded the game twice now and the same thing happens, I have tried manually installing battleye which doesnt seem to work. I am playing through a tunnelled VPN on a university network.
  12. Ayy baby.

    Battleye Failed To Update

    Greenman gaming, the directories are all fucked up, not organised like how steam would have them.
  13. Ayy baby.

    Battleye Failed To Update

    Doesnt seem to want to join any servers when I load Arma normally, only shows like 8 games. Getting Baddleyed so bad here. Now says its updating in lobby.
  14. Ayy baby.

    To those who look down on bandits/pvp...

    Survive against zombies with an IQ of 60 lol?
  15. Ayy baby.

    Players should develop Mental illness

    Maybe you should try playing other games like habbo hotel.
  16. Ayy baby.

    Players should develop Mental illness

    Really good idea m8
  17. Ayy baby.

    Best and Worst Spots to Abort/Log-Out

    Any hospital glitch, any office glitch, any big office glitch.
  18. You have to be 16 or over to play the game.
  19. Ayy baby.

    Engraved trees

    I agree, an I love you message to someone would be a very good addition.
  20. Hey guys, I was thinking of making a guild consisting of only females. The point of this guild was to show that female players on DayZ can be more successful than male counterparts when working as a group. The rules of joining 'Guardians of Kamenka' are as follows. 1) You must be female 2) You must own DayZ 3) No bitches 4) No skanks or liars 5) We must work together 6) No killing unarmed players 7) Be friendly and helpful Kamenka is our base town which we is our capital. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. PS. This is not sexist I just dont like playing with men x