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Gmanz (DayZ)

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About Gmanz (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Gmanz (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    Ok, let me make this one last point: A little while back I purchased the additional PMC expansion for Arma2. That is a case of a product which cost me money. A little while back I downloaded and installed the DayZ mod without having to spend one penny on it...that makes it free. Both products require ArmA2 but both are seperate and additional too the purchase of the core game itself. The mod is free, regardless of what requirements you had to meet before you could make use of it and unless a day comes when you are faced with paying an additional fee AFTER having purchased CO, it will remain free.
  2. Gmanz (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    It really is simple: in the past games came out which I simply could not play. On one occasion it was due to an aging Graphics card. I had to upgrade my graphics card before I could play the game. You are comparing things which have no business being compared. If you dont have a stove you can still eat foods either raw or which do not require cooking. IF YOU DONT MEET MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A PIECE OF SOFTWARE ON A PC YOU CANNOT RUN THAT PIECE OF SOFTWARE! Edit: that doesnt mean that any upgrades or pieces of software required to meet those minimum requirements somehow magically become the price for the program/game in question...the price of the program/game remains independent of the price of the upgrades. If it is free, it remains free, and if it has a price-tag you still have to pay for it after paying for your upgrades. This is a basic fact of PC gaming...what is it about that fact that you dont understand? Further Edit: I won free tickets to a concert once. It was around 60 miles away and I had to pay for my own transport to the event and pay for my own refreshments while I was at it, but it didnt change the fact that the concert itself was free.
  3. Gmanz (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    Actually, yes lets consider the series of events: You found out about Dayz: You bought combined operations and recieved combined operations: you then went to the independent page for the mod (or possibly used dayz commander) and proceeded to download and install the independent and free mod for the game that you bought. Just because you chose to buy a game purely to play a mod, doesnt change the fact that the mod itself was free. You paid for combined operations and you got combined operations and absolutely nothing else: the mod was an independent download, neither developed by bohemia nor sold by them. I already had ArmA2 when day came out: I had to purchase Operation Arrowhead to play it but then I also played through the campaign. I also played through countless co-op custom missions and played other mods (Namalsk and Wasteland for example). In the same way that I consider Dayz a free mod, I also consider Namalsk a free mod. They are additions to the core game which I did not have to pay for, therefore they are free. Seperate the game you bought to play it from the mod you are actually playing. I had to pay for a Windows 7 operating system DVD the last time I built my PC because I wanted to be able to play the games of my choosing which required windows in order to function...that doesnt mean that all the free games I have since downloaded (games like WingCommander Saga) were not actually free purely because I had to purchase an operating system beforehand. Arma2 CO is a "requirement" for the mod much the same as an operating system and specific technical benchmarks are requirements for the core game itself.
  4. Gmanz (DayZ)

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    At no point has rocket talked about the prices for DayZ "Skyrocketing"; as you will note from the bit I quoted, Rocket specifically states that DayZ will never be priced at the typical full-retail price mark. As for the map, I still dont have a clue what your point is. At any rate right now the only figures are those given by Matt Lightfoot a few weeks back so those are the best reference point for actual figures. There are no guarantees until final prices are announced obviously, but certainly there is little cause for a rant about pricing, based entirely on figures that you are creating for yourself.
  5. Gmanz (DayZ)

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    I missed this bit earlier; what on earth are you talking about with regards to the map size? The map is the same map that we are currently playing, only it has been tweaked, modified and had a new Island added off the coast of Chernarus.
  6. Gmanz (DayZ)

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    Unless I have missed something, you are having a bit of a rant about something that is a non-issue. First of all, from the OP: "Q: What about the price? A: Cheap for a start, rising in price during development. [...] Regardless, it's never going to be at a full retail price." Second, this is from an interview with Matt Lightfoot just a few weeks ago: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/116479-interview-with-matthew-lightfoot/page__st__40 "Q: What's the cost be of the standalone? A: Between 15€ and 20€, at the moment it's looking to be about 18€. " At this current moment 18 euros is $24. Hope this has helped you out.
  7. Not me; I really like the sound of the new patch. I don't really know what the issue is. The only really new thing is the boiling of water to sterilise it (which I approve of). The patch notes have me ready to pop back into Dayz again.
  8. Gmanz (DayZ)

    Have you ever had a good play?

    I have had plenty of adventures in Dayz; the first time myself and a couple of friends found a chopper and set about the process of repairing it...the tension as we tried to get enough fuel to fly the chopper to a refueling point, all the while expecting someone else to come along and screw things up; the joy as we refuelled it and flew off in our new chopper. The time myself and a friend set off up the western edge of the map searching for tents to loot; we came upon another survivor in the middle of nowhere, and ended up killing him in a rather nast little fight. That night ended on a high when a little while later we heard a chopper over the trees; we spotted it and my friend decided to try his luck with the AS50 (we had acquired the rifle only a short time before from the corpse of the dead survivor)...a couple of shots later, the chopper fell out of the sky. On another night we set off to check out Devil's castle. We arrived and were in the process of scouting it out when we heard a chopper; it was near dark and suddenly the pilot turns on his lights and his door gunners open fire. We spent the next half hour being strafed by it before we finally managed to lose it. There are numerous other small adventures I could tell you about; they were not always planned, but things happen and when they are done you are left with those "what a fucking story" moments :)
  9. Gmanz (DayZ)

    Can't find myself on the map

    I will always regret discovering the shift-click waypoint's presence on most servers...for months prior to that discovery I navigated by memory (I knew where I was and I knew the rough direction of where I was heading) or with the use of the map and the identification of land marks. There was a sense of achievement and satisfaction when you took a rough bearing from your location, set off for a village some 5km away and with nothing but your sense of direction, manage to hit the village dead on without a map or so much as a compass...screw "steam achievements", they are meaningless; this on the other hand felt genuinely great :)
  10. Currently you right click to bring up the sights, and you hold right to zoom in: if you hold the right mouse button just to keep the sights up then how do you zoom? You could of course just have it bring up the sites and zoom in permanently, but then your character will end up breathless, your aim will start to wander a little and you lose situational awareness. In the end what is wrong with toggling it? Does it really take so long to click the button?
  11. Gmanz (DayZ)

    Why I quit (yes another one of those threads)

    Hey. I cannot be certain that this is the source of your problem, but at one point I had problems with a particular server: occasionally when I joined the server, I would get a "you have been killed" message, and then spawn on the coast even though I had logged out alive. I would spawn at the coast with the same character, wearing whatever clothing I had previously been wearing but with no equipment at all...not even a flashlight and backpack. I eventually figured out what was causing the problem for me. I was running a different ArmA2 beta-patch than the server was using. I changed the beta patch I was using and the problem dissapeared.
  12. Gmanz (DayZ)

    gtx 570, but only 15-20 fps. What to do?

    As some have already said, it is probably server related. I know that I am running with a GTX 460 and I see a nice high FPS in DayZ/ArmA 2.
  13. It happened on NL #500 ( [VET][GMT+1] Multiplay BE1337 It happened at around 16:15 UK time. I was in a forest when I was contacted via direct chat. I killed the guy whose name was "Jan", then ran off and decided a few minutes later to go back and check his corpse. He had 4 GPS in his backpack, but as I was wondering about that I heard someone else talk on local asking why I had killed his friend: I was then killed. I spawned again and headed inland and within a minute spotted another survivor: he then chased me for around 10 minutes with a makarov, before I ran back at him drawing a couple of zombies onto him which then proceeded to kill him: it turned out to be "Jan". I looted his corpse and discovered the makarov, ammo and another GPS. A minute later I was teleported off the map...I alt-tabbed to the desktop and when I came back, 4 others were around me dancing and I had a full inventory of high-end weapons. My friend was frapsing when the teleport happened and will attach it to the post when he is done.
  14. Gmanz (DayZ)

    The fireball that lit up Zub

    "I fired some shots at it...FUCK THEM!!" Lol, 'Why so Serious?' hehe
  15. Gmanz (DayZ)

    Can't see the same servers as friends?

    It is a problem/bug. I am sure there will be some sort of fix before too long. It happened to me when I updated to the beta patch and the new dayz patch: I dont know which is responsible, but I now only see roughly half of the dayz servers, whether I use the ingame browser or the DayZ commander.