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Everything posted by Mysticales

  1. Hello everyone. Just am asking for people to help stress test primarily servers UK01 and UK02 as those servers can handle more users. However CZ01 and CZ02 would help too. The test is to help with new optimizations and performance improvements which can help with servers as a whole once the data is complete. So help make the servers cry! Come on in. Play abit. Allow the servers to be FULL! Need them bursting! =D
  2. Hackers may show up.. but they dont seem to last long really heh. Tho I was amused to see this last night. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/540689467750025484/37A176F088B145F5095045BA7D26C54D7C68F10B/
  3. Well I was on it last night myself. I am East Coast USA. I had about 125 ping to UK01. Loading time took about 15 mins? So I was playing my PS2 RPG lol. Worked fine really.
  4. Keep in mind. People COULD use teamspeak.. the server admins COULD also promote a server TS or Mumble for themselves. When side chat WAS enabled. Everyone bitched too. Cause you had spammers you couldnt identify and ban. Or other abuse issue. People dont remember that part now that its disabled. ;)
  5. Yea seems more people had fun with the chat enabled. But yea, these servers are pretty decent. Hackers seem to love other servers more since these arent based in USA heh.
  6. Some slowdowns and other various stuff. Which is being worked on. =) Which is why the servers have to be filled. =)
  7. Dean Hall has made a plea to the DayZ community and gamers from all over to help free 2 of his friends from Greece who have been Arrested for "Spying" http://rocketkiwi.tu...s-are-in-prison for the info on how you can help. Also a new site has been opened as well. http://www.helpivanmartin.org/ Also for Twitter, @HelpIvanMartin So please take a look and try to help Twitter the PM of Greece. Or do as instructed in the websites above. Lets help free these people to the best of our ability with the power of social media! For those not looking to Tweet. (Which I can understand as I am not a social network type of girl myself) There is a QUICK alternative on the main http://www.helpivanmartin.org/ site. Name, Email, Comment petition. Very simple to sign and show your support. PurePassion made a nice recap of events and updates in the thread, So putting it on this post: To resume what information is available and to avoid any further rumours: Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar are BIS employees who went on a private holiday trip to visit the island of Limnos due their interest which emerged from working on the game and the island for such a long time. They were arrested by local police at their hotel. They did not gain entrance to any prohibited military facilities The evidence which is held against them are not photos of secret military bases to be used as reference for Arma 3 but 14 snapshots of a video which they took out of the window of a driving car. They were driving on a public street next to the Limnos airport. Initally, they passed a first sign which stated that photographing and filming is prohibited but they did not see it. As soon as a second sign was visible on the tape, the recording had stopped. They are now accused of possessing material, that can endanger the national security of Greece and still spend day after day, night after night in prison
  8. Last I heard on this, both ideas and thoughts are being looked at by the devs for BOTH deaf and color blind people. =) I do not have the full details. I just know that it was already on the table. =)
  9. Valid concerns, and I am sure they will be addressed soon. =)
  10. Flatulent.. Ya know.. if you wanna be a fail troll.. go for it. Others here will knock ya down. You talk about own fault and punishment. I am sorry but no. as a tourist, you just wanna take pictures. Hell I do that daily. Now if you notice, the moment they SAW it was not allowed, they stopped. Then comes the main thing... taking pictures unauthorized of a military base.. is a different crime then "Espionage" So if you want your statement to be true, then Greece should lesser the charge.
  11. Just checked. I dont see any posts hidden or deleted. Mightve been a posting issue. Lately forums seem swamped. So maybe just didnt get through. Also to everyone else. Please stay on topic. Refrain from derailing, trolling, insult, or being stupid. This is one thread where none of that will be tolerated. So unless you all want me to get my whip out... ;)
  12. Yes Karma is. You have been warned. Please be more respectful about people being detained without any regards to them or their families who are hurting. Old saying. If you have nothing nice to say, then dont. This is a serious thread for support. Not joking or insulting.
  13. Patience, Help might be on the way.
  14. Nice to see the news out and about. =)
  15. Hey if anyone has some good skill in a "Faxable" letter that people could send to their Greek Embassy. I could link it in the 1st post. Then people would only need to print it out, sign, date and fax it. So anyone here skilled with good letters to politicians or elected leaders?
  16. Please do pass this info on in Google+, Facebook *Shudders*, Twitter, and other DayZ sites you may be on. You never know.. I mean if people can band up online, it wont be long till a news site picks up on this and passes the word on even more. (Or Kotaku, IGN, whoever) Thanks for the support guys. Even if you dont "care" about any of this. Just think about this. 2 Gamers who try to make games.. being held in Greece.. imagine how you would feel. So for a random community to care and try to offer support, would mean alot to anyone getting that help.
  17. Hey for those not looking to Tweet. (Which I can understand as I am not a social network type of girl myself) There is a QUICK alternative on the main http://www.helpivanmartin.org/ site. Name, Email, Comment petition. Very simple to sign and show your support.
  18. I remember reading the story, however I think "Research" for a game.. is being considered "Military Spying" so in otherwords, sounds like its getting blown out of proportion. Either way, he seems genuine in his call for help. So even if all you do is twitter message the prime minister. Thats least something. =)
  19. ok anyways, locking the thread. All is said and done and all is fixed. =)
  20. If you want the whole log, sure np. =D Point remains I asked you not to push a private hive server in chat, and you ignored it. I mean chat was dead at the time, so was no reason orig to spam it 3 times either. You were not instant banned, you were asked and informed that at the time, private servers promoting was not permitted. If you wanted to promote your server, you should be whitelisted 1st. Nothing major, nor anything to argue about. Also trying to go to other people and cry about it, or bash them doesnt help the matter either. Now if you wish to apologize for how you acted and are acting to me and to others. Then I have no issues unbanning. Edit: Ok I just checked my PM, you PMed me after the long speech you gave. Fine. You are unbanned. No worries now. Just please chill out dude! Its only irc. =D
  21. Hardluck, You were banned cause you kept spamming your private server/hive, I asked you not to due to the fact that in the official dayz irc room, we are not promoting private hives at this time. We know it is out there, no one will stop you. However at this time, whitelisted servers only for promoting. It wasnt till you told me off that you got the boot. So you told me off after I warned you, explained why it cant be allowed in the room. You ignored it and tossed your same server spam up in defiance. So yes. <hardluck> mystic Sep 06 14:24:50 <hardluck> i don't have to do anything you suggest or say. Sep 06 14:24:51 <Mystic> Like I said, in this room atm, not promoting the use of private hives Sep 06 14:24:58 <hardluck> Hey anyone who wants to goof around with a heli and other random activities to help my friend test her server, please come to [DPV private hive], you wont lose gear on the other hives you play on and it would help a lot. IP: (Filtered out) And void_false, I dont know anyone being kicked for posting warz video. So it had to be more then that? I got logs, so if you wanna dispute something, Im all ears. =) Edit: Void, You didnt get kicked for warz, I kickbanned you for what you did. You came in the room, said sup. Then few secs later. Aug 15 15:18:00 <void_false> Did you hear that dayz goes to c**tsoles? Yea.. join the room randomly and toss that out.. no thanks. Reminder, a copy of the rules and info are here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/74207-dayz-irc-live-chat-rules-and-information/
  22. Mysticales

    Release the standalone already

    More fun when they refer it to L4D
  23. Mysticales

    Release the standalone already

    Actually I would say it was more due to the amount of demand this mod has made. Think of Counter-Strike and Team Fort. It was a HL mod.. that became so large, it had to be released on its own merits. Now yes, this would lock down things, help prevent hacking since its less that could go wrong. Since Dayz is just a mod to Arma 2, you have more areas to cover and fix. Nothing wrong with it going stand alone, even possibly on consoles.
  24. Mysticales

    Release the standalone already

    War Z around the corner.. with its sketchy website and questionable preorder page... Yea.. Now if you want to help pay for development costs I can send you the info to help BI Studios out. But I dont think you would be willing to do that... soo.. instead Ill give you a pretty ascii picture. (ノ✿゚◡◡゚)ノ ┻━┻
  25. Mysticales

    DayZ Development Twitter

    Also a reminder, if you are in IRC. My bot there also will take the Twitter feed and post it in chat live when updates are around. Also includes news from BI Studios with Arma related stuff or beta patches. =)