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Everything posted by yamajin

  1. yamajin

    Ppl still play this? Lol

    We are all envious of your foresight. Man, all those wasted hours!
  2. yamajin

    Looking for a clan that is not too serious.

    We have a small laidback group of guys and always like to add more. Pm me if you are interested in joining us. Our latest shenanagins include driving around cherno center trying to dig up some trouble but somehow only got shot at twice. We did the same at nw airfield, no shots taken at us but we had a good old time anyway. Feel free to join us.
  3. yamajin

    Looking for a Good group

    Add yamajin82 on Skype and steam. We have a group of 3-6 players, we are all mature for the most part but we have lots of fun. Feel free to join us.
  4. yamajin loot patterns

    I hate spending time on the coast so I head directly inland. Haven't had too much of an issue getting primary and secondary weapons and ammo. My best stuff came from Stary. It was night, not a soul around. Ghillie suit, M9SD, PDW, M24, AK47, ammo and supplies. Just gotta stay away from the coast. Berezino was pretty good for loot too.
  5. yamajin

    Anyone get this working for a Mac?

    2010 MacBook pro, 13 inch, 8 gigs of ram, nvidia 320m on bootcamp. I run it on low but works pretty well overall. Could it run better on a better machine. Yes. Can it run suitably on what I have? Definitely. I'm having fun playing the game and arma 2 is pretty fun too.
  6. yamajin


    I recently had the good fortune of finding an MP5SD6 at the Balota hangars. After using it to quietly loot cherno and tactically remove any zombies that were a potential threat, it quickly became my favorite gun. I want it again, and I want it's ammo. Please share where you have personally found the gun/ammo. I know it's random but I'll look high and low for that baby. Thanks!
  7. yamajin

    Looking for other survivors.

    We have a small group, though I think we are already friends on steam, if not pm me and we can hook up
  8. So there was this sheep in an open field, I was kinda hungry and wanting some lamb chops. So I shot it once in the face with my m1014 and went to gut the thing and instead of delicious meat I got an "investigate body" cursor prompt. When I did so it said something about the body dying from natural causes or something along those lines. Anyone else see anything like this? Also, could this be the underpinnings of a back story that will be expired more in future patches? That's all.
  9. yamajin

    Looking for ppl to play with

    Add me up too. Been playing for weeks, have team speak and ready to have a group of friendlies. I'm packing some ok equipment and got your back. yamajin in game, yamajin82 on steam