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Everything posted by joerivdvelden@gmail.com

  1. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    How can my little brother play?

    One CD key, one account. Although you could try searching for servers that aren't connected to the main Hive and let him play on there. Then your main characters shouldn't be affected. Don't exactly know the details since I've never been on one of those servers.
  2. Yesterday I've had my first encounter with a hacker. He teleported me to himself, then shot my nearly-month-old character to death. The server (NL 13) drained soon after, since he was doing it with pretty much all players. I tried to report the guy on the server hoster's forum, but apparently they can't get a killer's name out of their own server log, nor did I have any means to identify my killer at all. I took a quick look: a simple google session will give you the tools to ruin the game for everyone without BattleEye lifting a finger. Spawning weapons, vehicles, teleporting players or causing other types of havoc. Rocket himself said that cheaters are probably the largest threat to his game right now. The original Arma 2 was, from what I understand since I wasn't around back then, much more close knit, much more oriented around clans and groups of players. That lack of social control and the fact you're mostly on servers full of strangers, means there's a sharp rise in the amount of cheaters who are just out there to spoil other people's fun. Cheating is relatively easy because Arma 2's networking is client-authorative. The client says he does something (say: "I want to spawn an tank"), and the server accepts that (in things like website development this is a big no-no, hence the saying "never trust the client"). This does have its perks: servers can host huge groups of players with processing time to spare for other things (which I guess DayZ happily uses for zombie AI). Server-authorative engines, such as Source and Unreal, are much more secure but it also makes them limited (player counts beyond 32 makes things unstable and laggy). So I'm left wondering how this is going to play out. What measures is Rocket going to take? What measures can be taken right now? Is the upcoming stand-alone version of DayZ going to change anything? Is it going to allow us to physically punch cheaters in the face over TCP/IP? Cheaters are a serious gamebreaker for this mod. More so than in any other game. All your progress, all your effort, all your fun, all down the drain because of one asshole.
  3. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    The hacker issue: what's going to be done about it?

    I know that automated measures will always be one step behind. BattleEye is pretty much the best they can do with the current engine. However, it'd be nice if the reporting system could be streamlined. That players can identify hackers and report them instantly (in Battlefield 3 for example, I can just pop onto a cheater's profile and click the report button). That server owners can actually see what's going on in their server logs (the server owner I talked to said the game logs were way too cryptic). I know that other things have priority in this phase of development, but a growing cheater population is going to ruin the game's reputation, and the willingness of any victims to keep playing.
  4. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    Inevitable Server Performance gets worse each day?

    Tents don't disappear as long as they're being used. That's why tents in crowded locations such as cities and airfields never seem to disappear: there's always someone taking a peek every few hours. I don't think static object such as tents and barbed wire put much strain on the server performance. Most issues relate to vehicles and the zombie AI.
  5. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    A simple solution to "Disconnecting to avoid Death"

    A) The client is master over his connection. You can't tell a player he can't disconnect. B ) Rocket already tried this solution but this leads to numerous bugs and corner cases in the game
  6. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    I guess I wouldn't necessarily mind myself, it could add another dimension to the experience. But as mentioned in this thread, it's impossible to do without censorship rearing its head, for good reasons. There will be freakshows playing this game just to shoot zombie kids. Some players will feel genuinely uneasy and stop playing. It'd fuel a media offensive against Rocket. In the end it's not worth implementing just for its shock value. So my personal feelings don't really matter here, it's a NAY for the greater good.
  7. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    how may arma copys was sold bedfor dayZ?

    The Rock Paper Shotgun article says that Rocket expects the mod to sell more copies than Arma 2 originally. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/07/08/day-z-heading-for-half-a-million-players/
  8. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    When do tents disappear?

    Aside from the occasional server-restart-ate-my-tents bug, when do tents disappear? They stay around as long as the character that placed them is alive, but once he's dead, the continued existence of your tent seems to be up in the air. I've read that it's supposed to be 2+ days. But also that they will stay around as long as they're being used. What's the truth exactly?
  9. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    When do tents disappear?

  10. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    So, when are these things coming. It's summer now so I can always use new T-shirts :)
  11. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Option #2 is my favourite.
  12. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Is ocean spawning after you change clothing fixed?
  13. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Will the helicopter-unrepairable-fuel-tank issue be fixed?
  14. joerivdvelden@gmail.com

    TENT!!! WHY U NO WORK!?!?!?

    I hope this gets easier in the future, the requirements for placing a tent are stupid. You should be able to place them on slight slopes and in clearings in the forest. I'm way too paranoid to pitch one in the middle of an open field.