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About warjunky1992

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. warjunky1992

    I just killed a Bandit with a Mosin holding up new spawn

    If you eat and drink enough you player status on your inventory menu will either change to "HEALING" or "Healthy" food/drink regain DOES work. i suggest eating 2 bags of rice and cereal and find a water fountain.
  2. warjunky1992

    Mass Character Reset!?

    It depends of the server for me, i've gotten my character teleported back to a city when i log in (not rubber-banding) just reset to a previous location
  3. warjunky1992

    How will flying work? Simulator or Arcade?

    There is no back story to the survivor, for all we know they could be ex military and trained in flight operations....
  4. Hello we're looking to fill our server up a little bit, We have friendly active admins day&night. We have a small player base as of right now (being a new server it's kinda hard to get going lol) Taviana PVP allowed 200 vehicles 24/7 day (It is possible to go to a day/night cycle if majority wants to) custom buildings to come Starting gear Survival ACU (12 slots so you can carry a back up rifle) 1911 x2 mags bandage x1 can of food x1 can of drink Painkillers Morphine Flashlight and a Hatchet Admins will always take your questions and suggestions into consideration, hope to see you guys on soon. Server Address IP Port: 3102 Or search Happy Hunting