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Ken Bean

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Everything posted by Ken Bean

  1. Ken Bean

    Vanilla experience

    Im not a big fan of server that for some reason claim to be vanilla while they are not.
  2. Despite of fitting in the universe or not, this looks damn pretty good. Cheers to the artists. Didn't mention anything 'bout ponies... That's why you cant win this war. ;-) Well, at least, almost everyone has their weird side, you can't ban that. What's yours? Give them a vent. (Edit: as long as it fits into the games universe.)
  3. @Gews Yeah, I see it quite similar. Realty is a bit too complex to exactly rebuild everything in a game. But I think there of cause can be some strange junk items, why not? Look at a game like Fallout New Vegas. There litteraly is a sh*tload of items. Most are usefull, many still are junk. But there hardly is anything that disturbs - as long as it fits into the games universe and lore. That this mask was more like a joke than reflecting the entire game was the first thing that came to my mind as well as I saw it first time in a video, I think.There probably will be one or two serious parts as well. I'd say it's too early to burn the whole town down just because of one item.
  4. On the other hand, such masks do exist in real life. Sure, you wont find them every day but basically everything what exists in real life could exist in dayz as well. Or do you think it's better to ban certain items which only exist in other games but not in rl in order to keep the immersion? If they are very rare and/or if they only spawn on certain crashed halloween goods delivery planes, I personally see no problem in it.
  5. Ken Bean

    Do You Think Bandits Are Bad?

    The word "bandit" has its origins in the word "ban". Those people once were outcasted from society. It's already in the word, that they are considered bad. I'm afraid they have to deal with the chosen role. ;-)
  6. Ken Bean

    Low FPS

    Op, you should consider to use either 2 or 4 ram dims since they get addressed pairwise. Besides of a good core, the game needs a decent dedicated gfx card to look pretty. However, your fps still will be lower than in other games.
  7. Ken Bean

    Do You Think Bandits Are Bad?

    Dendits, short for denying being bandits? Okay, doesn't really nail it, but Allowits or Goodits just sounds even more awfull.
  8. Ken Bean

    Do You Think Bandits Are Bad?

    Sure bandits are bad. They steal my stuff, what's good in it? As long as they know they are bad, I can life with it. If they say "I'm intentionaly bad.", then great, looks like a cool roleplay thing is going on. But if they say "Don't call me 'bad'. I'm so good in doing bad things." ... there it starts to get weird.
  9. Ken Bean

    dayz mod support

    Just wanna say that I like bigger updates better even if they take longer, since smaller frequent updates complicate the server situation. 5 minutes would truly be a mess. ^^
  10. Maybe it should? In Battlefield there's more teamplay. At least there even are two teams and minor squads. I probably repeat myself, but I'd love to see some kind of a party management system in DayZ.
  11. Difficult thing to leave feelings and emotions out a game which is built around immersion. Usually we call someone a dick if it somehow violates our sense of morality. So if someone considers killing another one immoral, they'll most likely call one who does so a dick or worse. This is not solely based on given rules, rather on a given morality. (Rules as well are based on a given morality.) So you can say, morality is the basement of rules and how you judge someone in regards of morals. In an environment where rules are no longer enforced, morality still exists -> therefore dicks still exist as well. But that's just based on how deep you (and your morality) are immersed into the game. Maybe some don't care about morality in DayZ because they are not as deep immersed as others?
  12. Depends, maybe the map of Chernarus will be a little too known for providing a first time experience. But on the other hand, they changed a lot, like Items, houses, loot systems, weather and so on... There's sth new to discover. However, I hope they changed the map a bit and/or provide more maps in the future.
  13. Well, I'm not insisting on it but one actually can call someone a dick because of their playstile. This happens every time in almost every real life team sports when someone just plays against every rule. E.g., the guy who just kills everyone on a soccer field usually is considered being a dick. (And not the one who calls him so.) That's how it always worked, in real life. Well, you can turn it around, but I really see no benefit in it. In other words: It's just wrong to worship the ones who have no sence of fair play. On the other hand, DayZ has no rules which say "killing everyone on sight is wrong". Even though, in a real life zombie scenario it definitely would. Since it would lower your chances to survive after all. And last but not least, imagine, you and your loved ones would sneak through a town in a zombie appocalypse. After finding some beans a ... just kills half of your family because, well, trigger happy finger. How would you call him? (But yeah, it's a game after all. The lack of consequences motivates us to do lots of strange things.)
  14. Mine would be: Are there planed to be more maps than Chernarus in the future? Don't get me wrong, I like Chernarus as is, but I'd like to have some new area which I do not already know.
  15. Ken Bean

    one less idiot

    Whoa, a mouse button? With the power of your fingers only? Awesome! *Harry Potter is holding a stick on that athletical finger tip* Deeply impressed dude, deeply impressed. Anyway, maybe I'm just a bit confused by your avatar. Maybe there's inteligent live behind though? Who knows, who knows? Maybe, the almighty fingar of fait knows all the answers of all questions? Maybe he just brought something shaking to light while picking ones nose?
  16. Ken Bean

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    I wouldn't mind if it takes longer. The latest patch really did well, besides some minor issues. Just take the time you guys need.
  17. Ken Bean

    What if Dayz was free to play?

    You cought me there, I actually never use to play free2play games. I played a lot of free games though. On amiga there were a bunch of good free games I enjoyed, like "telekomando" and stuff. They are not called f2p because "f2p" basicaly means the monetization method that aims to sell microtransactions, not that the game is free.So also DayZ is not f2p, its "just" free. You get the difference if you see how professional f2p games are built around a selling machine. The inner core of a f2p game is to motivate the player to spend money.
  18. It's because you have no emotional connection. You don't see these children, you don't know them personal, so they kind of just "hypothetical" exist for you. But if it were your children, or maybe somewhat close, maybe in your neighbourhood, you may do sth about about it. Many would. And I don't believe all the kill or be killed scenarios. Right, in history books they wrote all the outstanding things in, but this doesn't necessarily mean that everyone is the same. Civilisations can be cruel. They in fact are not only good. Civilisations also take away most of the freedom of men. Often they tend to be more like a "kind enslavement". The military for example is a great example for enslaving first and foremost free people. However, regardless of how cruel a civilisation might be, there are always people who actually do stand against hatred and all kinds of unfreedom. It's not human nature to be cruel. Most people come along without killing others with ease. This fact alone proofes, that killing each other is not "the human nature". Most of the time, those things are even cultural based. People in history basicaly were forced to kill each other because of their civilisations / cultures "demanded" it. The human mind seems to be open for all kind of strange and weird ideas. They do things they believe that are right. Including all the all-mighty spaghetti monsters that demand blood. Know what? This is something that may happen in certain situations, but frankly this is completely unrealistic. First and foremost: almost no one trusts a stranger they just met. See, most people would keep an eye of the situation. Is he armed? Maybe just go out of the way. Is he alone and unarmed while you are 200 man geared with heravy weaponz? Why being in unreasonable fear? However, depends on the situation. Helping someone also doesn't mean to closely stick together. Second, this is why small communities give survivors more freedom. It's saver to be many and if someone just fucks off other people, he will be outcasted sooner or later. In such an apocalypse, no group is forced to suffer a dick. Being expelled can be a death sentence if the environment is hostile. So it's in your own interest to play nice. Last but not least, if you can't value a helping hand, you have never been in a cutting edge situation were you needed one. If you think those things would be "right", then you'll do it as well. (As said, human mind basically is open to all kind of weirdness.) But if you personally think those things are wrong, why would you start being a dick? Personal beliefs, opinions and attitudes have more power than anything else. So yes, it might be concerning that many people seems to be convinced that the very first thing to do in an appocalypse is to rape and kill each other. Sometimes people may have just watched Mad Max too often or few to understand that there are dipshits and ... the other. However, seeing in what people use to believe the whole day can be conserning. Thankfully this just is a game and we'll never find out what happens when a real zombie appocalypse is taking place.
  19. Ken Bean

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Fixing things just conflicts with the engine's minimum bug count. The game may get instable if it undercuts a certain amount.
  20. Ken Bean

    Quick Tips For Starter (Submit a tip if you have one)

    Don't get attached to your gear. You can't hide anything in the long run. -> Tents are being robbed, vehicles get stolen pretty soon. If you still want to use tents, don't put in anything of value. Keep your antibiotics, favourite weapons, NVGs and so on with you as you log out. Also avoid to lay guns, backpacks and stuff to the ground. They may vanish.
  21. Ken Bean

    What if Dayz was free to play?

    Sure, it always is kind of difficult to generalise, but you can consider those games to be an "excuse", so to speak to have a bult in "but what, it's not all about te money" thing. However, this most likely are titles which are not very expensive in development and probably low end, aiming on low budget folks. There's noothing wrong with paying a fair price and getting a full game in return.
  22. Ken Bean

    What if Dayz was free to play?

    Free2Play just means that you need to pay 100, 200 bucks or more in order to get the full game. Every single shit will need to be bought, that means shiny "buy this, buy that" buttons everywhere. Otherwise you get the game in demo mode. I have absolutely no idea why someone should like this.
  23. Ken Bean

    Night time gameplay

    Most things I find or do in DayZ, I never did so in real life. Believe it or not, I never found flares nor chemlights, never met a Zed, never shot a man, never found a soda in a barn, never flew a helicopter myself, never ... you get the idea. Though, I actually saw NVGs in real life pretty frequent. It's not uncommon that authorities have some. Sure, they don't wear them all day long.
  24. There already is an official DayZ song: