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Everything posted by Blondedash

  1. Blondedash

    Just saw Rocket again.

    can't tell if rocket or not,
  2. Blondedash

    The Greatest Ninja Bloodbag of All time

    then how are they bloodbags at all?
  3. Blondedash

    Recording Hardware Advice

    that is an absolutely fine rig for recording.
  4. Blondedash

    DayZ Fanmade Trailer

    i loved the blurriness around the edges effect most.
  5. Blondedash

    Buying a macbook, need suggestions

    osx and the case aren't completely terrible, the rest is though.
  6. Blondedash

    Buying a macbook, need suggestions

    what do you mean by that? As in only options. I have seen windows laptops at the same price yet offering more features and is osx really worth getting when you get a terrible graphics card? I am not even going to bother with a desktop vs laptop argument.
  7. Blondedash

    Buying a macbook, need suggestions

    does it have to be exactly a mac book?
  8. Blondedash

    DayZ Game Theme for Google Chrome

    if only my internet went to it's full potential on other browsers rather than just ie I would do this in a second dammit.
  9. Blondedash

    What's better?

    ive been told vram does barely anything 670 by a mile.
  10. Blondedash

    Acceptable age to play?

    I'll say in high school at the very minimum excluding my school which lets grade 7's in.
  11. Blondedash

    Need help! WIndow minimized

  12. Blondedash

    Are mechanical keyboards worth it?

    what do you want from a keyboard is the question there are multiple cherry mx keys. i'll search up a guide for you. http://www.overclock.net/t/491752/mechanical-keyboard-guide good enough :P
  13. Blondedash

    in SA we start the game with a weapon?

    someone post that engineer video where he goes nope please.
  14. Blondedash

    Zombie AI and Zombie Physics

    germany is the most notable one i have heard gets gore or even the games blocked. Australia only didn't get mortal kombat and another game i can't remember but frankie mentioned once,
  15. nah we'll still get young people with ultra rigs a 13 year old came on this forum claiming to have a gtx 690.
  16. Blondedash

    Larger Maps

    225 square kilometres isn't enough is it, if you want 400 square kilometres without loading screens play just cause 2 hehe. skyscrapers them selves are possible jc2 did it but enterable would be damn hard.
  17. Blondedash

    DayZ Easter Eggs???

  18. Blondedash

    PC upgrade advice

    advanced PhysX, GeForce experience what is not to like. just means he can do work on his rig as well as gaming and more. I would go amd but hate the drivers and want GeForce experience and PhysX myself and will probably work on it as well. get over it and let us not start a NVidia vs AMD war, k. also NVidia is in the process of adding a video recording feature he he, attack while their down NVidia.
  19. Blondedash

    PC upgrade advice

    300 less cuda cores and only 3gb of memory. by the looks of it.
  20. Blondedash

    PC upgrade advice

    cough 780 cough.
  21. Blondedash

    PC upgrade advice

    as a quick question why? and a haswell guide for ya but it just doesn't sound worth it at all more expensive so I won't get it.
  22. Blondedash

    Dayz Performance (CPU Decision Purchase)

    I said more not ridiculously moreI can't answer dayz performance I haven't seen those in those activities yes and SPECIFIC games.
  23. Blondedash

    Dead Simulation

    first part of suggestion: in already.