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Everything posted by Blondedash

  1. Blondedash

    Dayz on Consol

    I was talking keyboards in general saying they do more. joystick you mean dual joystick having one joystick doesn't suit games logically one of the joystick is w a s d, another one is the mouse sensor, the bumpers/buttons are left click right click, the triggers are any button usually f and something else, the dpad is 1234, and the buttons on the right are space, r, esc and e. the joystick press downs are scroll up or down that is just about it.
  2. Blondedash

    Dayz on Consol

    um yeah it does a certain type of keyboard may feel bad for you and you say keyboards are bad as a whole shame on you. they aren't just made for gaming can you type in chat on xbox or ps3 nope, can you do work on a controller nope, etc. I would game on a 360 controller for just cause 2 but there just isn't enough buttons and the controls are dreadful in some situations.
  3. Blondedash

    Dayz on Consol

    which type of keyboard do you have?
  4. Blondedash

    Dayz on Consol

    someone on this forum get a i3 3320 and tell me how well it performs in dayz cause that is pretty much the ps4 performance. I don't call that easily.
  5. Blondedash

    Dayz on Consol

    ha ha very funny :P to bad you had to get windows to play dayz. only the console section of Microsoft is terrible you know. windows 8 is a tablet os nothing more, nothing less.
  6. Blondedash

    Dayz on Consol

    no one said not enough buttons but you should know as well as everybody else playing an fps with a controller is retarded. I said it would remove the suspense and am saying now that it removes the difficulty which is half the fun the of dayz.
  7. Blondedash

    Dayz on Consol

    well new consoles are likely to get it. they have the cpu power of an i3 and a decent graphics card ;)
  8. Blondedash

    Dayz on Consol

    I think this deserve it's own post by on to the post. even though It is a horrible though I will express it I imagine the console guys crying that they don't have dayz and I just smile from the though of it. I think of the situation same as what happened to steel battalion they made the game requires less controls and turned it into a buggy mess though I imagine that won't happen here but since the game is made for k and m. also I think It kind of increases the suspense having to reach the keys and you don't press it in time.
  9. Blondedash

    Dayz on Consol

    the only reason really games go on console is more $$$$$ goes to the developer and what publisher would rocket choose to publish it on consoles. alot of them would probably ask though :P
  10. Blondedash

    HFBServers - My review

    that is ironic.
  11. Blondedash

    Just saw Rocket again.

    thank you and here is my creation
  12. Blondedash

    Just saw Rocket again.

    just a little something I put together
  13. Blondedash

    Just saw Rocket again.

    quick question regarding gimp how do you I get 2 faces in one picture I am working on something which I think is hilarious.
  14. Blondedash

    Just saw Rocket again.

    since you guys have given me lots of beans can I ask what do you think of my first rocket pictures?
  15. Blondedash

    Just saw Rocket again.

    seems like the soldier has found a new type of ammo :P
  16. Blondedash

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I accidentally blurred rockets face but it is all good.
  17. Blondedash

    Just saw Rocket again.

    it is ok I have fixed it now using a few gimp tools use this one in the video.
  18. Blondedash

    Just saw Rocket again.

    give me a pre-cut-out rocket face I could easily use that.
  19. Blondedash

    Just saw Rocket again.

    first time round will edit it later or someone can give me a pre-
  20. Blondedash

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I'll see if I can get rocket's head on rico from just cause 2 :P or maybe some tf2 characters.
  21. The map being as big as it is I'm curios if anyone has put the time in to do such a task.
  22. Blondedash

    Taming Dogs?

    the model I guess.
  23. Blondedash

    Taming Dogs?

    but what about the fact he wants a live dog :P.
  24. Blondedash

    Taming Dogs?

    he said taming not training :rolleyes:
  25. Blondedash

    How far can they push the map?

    agreed hell angry joe even said a 400 square kilometre map was to big for just cause 2.