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About tebbutt1

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  1. we're a group who have fun playing arma 2 DayZ and decided to recruit some more guys/gals NOTE: Group is currently recruiting and won't be completely operational until 30/6/12 deadline. We will act as a mutual survival clan until then. If you just joined the group, you won't be a confirmed clan member until you show competence, trustworthiness, and loyalty. If you want to join us ingame, add and message TeB on steam. Also feel free to add other members if you feel like meeting up outside of official meet days. We can guarantee that your life expectancy will greatly increase if you stick in our large group meet though. We are a paramilitary policing force based in Arma 2's Dayz with the purpose to eradicate bandits and assist friendly survivors with various tasks. We will have a loose military simulator type playing style and those in the group are expected to cooperate for their own safety. It is a counter-terrorist force formed in response to the notorious bandit threat in Arma 2's Dayz mod. It will perform the following functions- 1) Control or Eliminate the bandit threat 2) Secure safe havens for players to meet up through patrols and raids 3) Provide auxilliary support in the form of medical assistance or supplies IF needed. GOC will aggressively seek out bandit groups and murderers to bring stability to the Chernarus infected zone. Players are encouraged to report killings or bandit sightings to GoC patrols active in the area. Repeat offenders will be placed on the group's Blacklist (aka kill on sight policy). Clan members are permitted to use the tag |GoC | in front of their names in Arma 2. Anyone using the tag without authorization should expect retaliation if spotted. Ask for Team Speak 3 address and password. Keep in mind that we are based on EU servers. We do not mind international players as long as they do not lag too often and become a deadweight or nuisance to our operations. Required: * Be Mature, we don't mind age but you have to be mature * (Must): active use of teamspeak! * Good attitude and decent playing style (try not to run off from the main group or leaders, those are go "rogue" normally shorten their lives drastically). Naive deaths will severely decrease our efficiency. WE NEED: 1) More competent leaders who pride themselves in their ability to lead men to meet various goals in a safe and efficient manner. 2) Recruiters who can talk to new members and introduce them to GoC. 3) More designated marksmen. Most of our crew is comprised of automatic riflemen and not enough marksmen who can cover their advance. 4) Medics are essential if we are to survive in the wild. Medics will bring morphine,painkillers,bandages and blood bags on raids and patrols.
  2. tebbutt1

    What I feel Day Z is missing

    would work. but will be hard to implement
  3. tebbutt1

    To the camp north of Stary Sobor on US5

    there is a group who have a walled off factory with a bus blocking the front entrance somewhere around stary there're called OverWatch
  4. tebbutt1

    I found a Radio

    listening to the recorded audio and flippin hell the numbers caught me off guard
  5. G.o.C have the intentions to aid survivors and honestly punishing players for entering stary and novy sobor. I recommend you change your plans or you'll bring us down to liberate the area
  6. we have a TS server now for all the members of GoC
  7. G.o.C is growing EU community and your welcome to join check out my group here http://steamcommunity.com/groups//
  8. Tartan have you consider joining up with another group, if so G.o.C will oblige I can offer you admin to the group and more men to defend the safe zone. what yah think?
  9. Theres alot of careless bandits out at the moment. assuming that every survivor is a ''Noob'' the day will come when survivors kickass Edit: The Day has already come :)
  10. Duncan I'm GMT +1 but the group will be eu so the time zones will vary
  11. no problem xquisite however we are a EU you group and the servers we play will most probably EU but if thats no problem feel free to join
  12. the need is only for anyone who wishes for a specific role and are already good at that role The blacklist would be kept on a need to know basis when our patrols spot a possible threat they can check with a Officer who can double check the blacklist to identify the target. its not like we're going to say ''you killed multiple people you are now on our blacklist'' it would give it away
  13. NOTE: Group is currently recruiting and won't be completely operational until 30/6/12 deadline. We will act as a mutual survival clan until then. If you just joined the group, you won't be a confirmed clan member until you show competence, trustworthiness, and loyalty. If you want to join us ingame, add and message TeB on steam. Also feel free to add other members if you feel like meeting up outside of official meet days. We can guarantee that your life expectancy will greatly increase if you stick in our large group meet though. We are a paramilitary policing force based in Arma 2's Dayz with the purpose to eradicate bandits and assist friendly survivors with various tasks. We will have a loose military simulator type playing style and those in the group are expected to cooperate for their own safety. It is a counter-terrorist force formed in response to the notorious bandit threat in Arma 2's Dayz mod. It will perform the following functions- 1) Control or Eliminate the bandit threat 2) Secure safe havens for players to meet up through patrols and raids 3) Provide auxilliary support in the form of medical assistance or supplies IF needed. GOC will aggressively seek out bandit groups and murderers to bring stability to the Chernarus infected zone. Players are encouraged to report killings or bandit sightings to GoC patrols active in the area. Repeat offenders will be placed on the group's Blacklist (aka kill on sight policy). Clan members are permitted to use the tag |GoC | in front of their names in Arma 2. Anyone using the tag without authorization should expect retaliation if spotted. Ask for Team Speak 3 address and password. Keep in mind that we are based on EU servers. We do not mind international players as long as they do not lag too often and become a deadweight or nuisance to our operations. Required: * Be Mature, we don't mind age but you have to be mature * (Recommended): Microphone for quick communication * Good attitude and decent playing style (try not to run off from the main group or leaders, those are go "rogue" normally shorten their lives drastically). Naive deaths will severely decrease our efficiency. WE NEED: 1) More competent leaders who pride themselves in their ability to lead men to meet various goals in a safe and efficient manner. 2) Recruiters who can talk to new members and introduce them to GoC. 3) More designated marksmen. Most of our crew is comprised of automatic riflemen and not enough marksmen who can cover their advance. My profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031726112/ Steam Group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/GuardsOC/
  14. (This group is identical to OverWatch however it is for European players.) NOTE: Group is currently recruiting and won't be completely operational until 30/6/12 deadline. We will act as a mutual survival clan until then. If you just joined the group, you won't be a confirmed clan member until you show competence, trustworthiness, and loyalty. If you want to join us ingame, add and message TeB on steam. Also feel free to add other members if you feel like meeting up outside of official meet days. We can guarantee that your life expectancy will greatly increase if you stick in our large group meet though. We are a paramilitary policing force based in Arma 2's Dayz with the purpose to eradicate bandits and assist friendly survivors with various tasks. We will have a loose military simulator type playing style and those in the group are expected to cooperate for their own safety. It is a counter-terrorist force formed in response to the notorious bandit threat in Arma 2's Dayz mod. It will perform the following functions- 1) Control or Eliminate the bandit threat 2) Secure safe havens for players to meet up through patrols and raids 3) Provide auxilliary support in the form of medical assistance or supplies IF needed. The Overwatch will aggressively seek out bandit groups and murderers to bring stability to the Chernarus infected zone. Players are encouraged to report killings or bandit sightings to Overwatch patrols active in the area. Repeat offenders will be placed on the group's Blacklist (aka kill on sight policy). Recruits will need to be screened first by the Overwatch officers before being fully initiated into the clan. They will then go through a brief training process overviewing the clan's ethics, tactical strategies, and advanced Arma 2 functions. Trusted members will have access to weaponry and important items if permitted. Clan members are permitted to use the tag |O.V.W.| in front of their names in Arma 2. Anyone using the tag without authorization should expect retaliation if spotted. Ask for Team Speak 3 address and password. Keep in mind that we are based on EU servers. We do not mind international players as long as they do not lag too often and become a deadweight or nuisance to our operations. Required: * Be over 16, or at least do not have an annoying voice * (Recommended): Microphone for quick communication * Good attitude and decent playing style (try not to run off from the main group or leaders, those are go "rogue" normally shorten their lives drastically). Naive deaths will severely decrease our efficiency. WE NEED: 1) More competent leaders who pride themselves in their ability to lead men to meet various goals in a safe and efficient manner. 2) Recruiters who can talk to new members and introduce them to Overwatch. 3) More designated marksmen. Most of our crew is comprised of automatic riflemen and not enough marksmen who can cover their advance. Join the steam group and add my steam name TeB