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About ascendantwyvern

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  1. ascendantwyvern

    Will dogs be friendly in 1.7.3?

    Oh god...itll be just like I Am Legend! I dont think I'm ready for that type of an emotional connection!
  2. ascendantwyvern

    SKS for DayZ?

    Yes! the
  3. ascendantwyvern

    Nerf bleeding, buff zombie damage.

    Zeds are pretty much humans, so I agree with you, except on the broken bones concept. Zeds should cause blunt force damage, increase base damage, decrease bleed chance, increase broken bone chance slightly and its good. And yes, bleeding seems a bit unrealistic, perhaps a base rate that starts like trickling, but has an exponential stacking rate the more wounds you get.
  4. ascendantwyvern

    Drugs, Drugs, Drugs

    No one referenced bath salts yet? COME ON PEOPLE! But like the first reply stated, id see more "shits and giggles" out of it than legitimate use.
  5. ascendantwyvern

    "danger zones"

    All that comes to mind is someone in a car "riding to the danger zone"... Anwho, it seems nifty but it looks like the military already tried to clean up cherno and failed. Perhaps a minefield? The infected pack thing also soujds interesting... But where would they be realistically located?
  6. ascendantwyvern

    Solution For Disconnect Exploit = DEATH

    I'd say that a 10 second (or so) connection vulnerability will be exactly what we want. My first self defense kill ended with the bastard disconnecting before the kill got registerred and a way for them to remain connected for around ten seconds would prevent dicks who do that without leaving those out of conflict to get killed.
  7. ascendantwyvern

    Weapon Safety Switch

    safety switch would be nice, from personal experience of me accidentally firing off rounds when getting back from a bathroom break. :S
  8. ascendantwyvern

    Keep canned food rare, make soda even more rare

    Living off of soda and canned food seams to be how i live normally, why variate from that :P but seriously, i like the idea of making it harder to find drinks and food, but as a counter making animals and matches more readily available. However, finding food and drinks in the market should make sense and would be a common spawn spot for them.
  9. ascendantwyvern

    Arma 3 - Zombie Sharks

    I can see it now... Want to swim in the sea to avoid the zombies do ya? WELL *SMACK* HAHA FUCK NO! ZOMBIE SHARKS! In all honesty...I do think some countermeasure to swimming should be involved, either a swimming zombie or in fact...infected animals. While on the subject of infected animals those harmless sheep you see around you and the odd pig? yeah...lets have them attack you too *evil eyes*
  10. ascendantwyvern

    Make Vehicles Lockable

    How can you lock a car from the outside without a key?...on that thought, how would you get back in?
  11. ascendantwyvern


    This sounds perfect, especially with being able to find use for empty whiskey bottles. A good way to take out a zombie mob, the downside is that the sound of the bottle breaking and the fire will attract more zombies in the area. +1 yes por favor!
  12. ascendantwyvern

    How to make this game more fun!

    It's not unfair, if you dont feel like you can handle it being hard, get a friend or ally in-game or try a different game/mod. Not trying to sound hostile, but when a survival sim becomes a survival sim, do or die situations, worst case scenarios, and bad luck need to present themselves. Otherwise, it simply becomes a bland game.
  13. ascendantwyvern

    The melee weapon thread (ideas, loot suggestions etc.)

    A good way to get past the fact that melee isnt in the ArmA engine is to use whatever you used for the Zombies, some sort of 1 meter pathway range. Without a makarov to start out with, you can fight them off with fists, using a modified zombie melee animation and reduce the bleed chance by a lot and increasing the shock and knockout chance.