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Everything posted by LoneStarr

  1. LoneStarr

    The Best Looking Gun?

    SVD Camo
  2. Look in barns and houses you would be surprised
  3. LoneStarr

    Loot tables after 1.7.7

    1 Can well then we should be able to split it together XD
  4. LoneStarr

    Pro tips for a newbie?

    Before you start to play DayZ I suggest you play a game mode called "Wasteland" it will have you learning gun skills and such when you get arma try it out for me and tell me how it goes and for flying help play the boot camp missions and for further practice play a game mode called "Domination"
  5. Looking for a person to play with I can use skype or steam and ts3 I have been playing DayZ for about 5 months now so I'm pretty good I mostly play on the weekends I can only squeeze in 2:00 hours on weekdays But weekends I can play all day I am looking for a Canadian player Toronto times if possible or around those times Let me know below if you wanna join me thanks please no new player 4 months and up game time Skype: Beef.ninja
  6. To get the full expierence of DayZ You should have some friends helping you out so if your interested Comment Below -------------------------------------- ======Requirements======= Skype Trust Worthy (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) TimeZone No Hackers Pretty Active ------------------------------------- (Side-Note) When i talk thru mics or electronics a sound like im ten though im 14 so please dont let that discourage you I hope to play with you
  7. LoneStarr

    Looking For A Squad

    I'm the one with the minecraft screen shot
  8. LoneStarr

    Looking For A Squad

    No one asked for your two cents
  9. LoneStarr

    Looking For A Squad

    Skype: BeefNinja I have a minecraft Picture