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Everything posted by esaciar

  1. esaciar

    Everything is black/gray

    Er... Lost for words. Try respawning?
  2. That's a bold statement SSP...
  3. Ever been prone and bumbled into a crawler...? Sweet lord.
  4. esaciar

    Add watch to the starting equipment.

    It's reasonable to believe most people would have a watch on them yes.
  5. Arse puckeringly terrifying, adrenaline provoking, excitement inducing bliss...
  6. Hahahah!!! Funniest tactic ever. Imagine that in real life. Someone please make that video!
  7. I custom built my rig for around £600/$800 a year back. Runs like a dream and serves me well. If you're prepared to spend a few hours terrified but excited and sweating profusely, custom built rigs are VERY cost effective.
  8. esaciar

    Spawning in hilly area

    Debug zones are covered on this forum if you need advice mate.
  9. esaciar

    How often are your camps raided?

    I think locations marked on map should most certainly be avoided. Use them as a point of reference, but nothing more.
  10. esaciar

    Spawning glitch

    Update your Mod to 1.7.1 Update Arma beta to 93701 I think.
  11. esaciar

    missing deleted chenarus?

    Hmm... Tricky stuff. I'll trawl around for advice.
  12. Appeal to admin/mods and have a more visible policy of conduct?
  13. esaciar

    missing deleted chenarus?

    Hmm... I'm usually in when I get that and it has no effect...
  14. Yeah, but I'll only admit it to you. No one else is reading this right? Right? Oh....
  15. As I was saying... We can't police ourselves officially - that is for the mods to enforce and I would never suggest they are lax nor reneging in their duties. Personally, though, if we can engender, maintain and actively promote a 'visible' manner in which we conduct ourselves, deviation from that would be more noticeable? I'm not, for a second, suggesting an oppressive regime, simply encouraging decorum. We are so much better than a mere message board.
  16. I'm not sure you have engaged fully with the intended nature of this discussion. This has little to do with the actual mod. But thank you for your contribution.
  17. We can't police ourselves officially - that is for the mods to enforce and I would never suggest they are lax nor reneging in their duties. Personally, though, if we can engender, maintain and actively promote a 'visible' manner in which we conduct ourselves, deviation from that would be more noticeable? I'm not, for a second, suggesting an oppressive regime, simply encouraging decorum. We are so much better than a mere message board.
  18. If we want realistic then surely random weather patterns are preferable...even though I do have a penchant for grim, misty sunsets with looming cloud.
  19. Indeed. We must celebrate the little victories...
  20. esaciar

    So you all didn't read it..

    Our test card is much more...grotesque than the American affair. A girl with a chalkboard and a terrifying doll type thing with gaudy colours.
  21. Not if you look at my post above, friend. I'd agree in principle, but sometimes it's good to feel like a leader! Lol