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About drake409

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Games, Music, Computers, Cars, Guns

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  • Bio
    I play all kinds of games, post videos, and review what I can. I can be found on Twitter (@drake409), YouTube (drake409) and Facebook (Drake409). I've set up a web page where I post my latest videos, and also reviews on mods, games and maybe at some point, tech as well. 409Reviews
  1. drake409

    Where are all the devblogs?

    I just want to say to all the people pissed about the rocket and co going back on the release dates and hating on the dev team: 1. No 'date' was actually given but more of a time-frame of when they would like to release it (Well that's the way I see it) 2. Why don't you go build a game from scratch, one with the same sort of scale, the same amount of depth, with as much content, with same amount detail and quality, and see how long it takes.
  2. drake409

    Where are all the devblogs?

    I have to admit, its good to see some news. I glad to see also the dev team taking time to get a nice stable foundation for which they can build on. After helping to run a DayZ Epoch server, which we add more features,without the proper complete stress test (high player counts, server up time, etc.) we where just running into problem after problem, and I guess you could say that it was a pre-alpha built of our server but you could tell some of the people that join quite often where getting sick of the issues we were having. On regards to the announcement of a devblog coming soon, its good the see the devs actually giving information on where the game is at which direction it maybe heading, and all the info they can, there are some high ranking devs that don't even look at the community that is waiting for their next big thing.
  3. drake409

    Advice for new PC user? :D

    Another tip I would give as well is play a little bit of Arma 2, It will help you get you setup the way you want it, help with gun play as well as you can use the editor to get use to the varies guns available and also if your planning on trying to find a chopper I suggest learning to fly first in Arma 2, I only say that since it went so poorly for me first time I found a chopper... bad times had by all involved especially the cow.
  4. drake409

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I just can't wait to see more and then finally get my hands on the finished product I'm just really hope it comes out at the start of a month, since that is when I'm most likely to have any money.
  5. I find that the best way to deal with any situation that involves another player (that you may not know) is to run away and see if they shot, if they do... keep running and hope they don't hit you... or shot them first... Anytime I've asked someone if they are friendly or not I've been trolled and they have shot me in the back for no reason.
  6. drake409

    Introduce yourselves

    Evening all I'm Drake409 (Drake409 [sco] in Arma) Been playing DayZ for a while now and thought it was about time I signed up to the fourm, now where can I get some gear =P