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Everything posted by wolfpack81

  1. Hi guys, I run the Seattle server. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. please do post! I will never kick anyone to get a slot to open, I will never lock a server for testing or to give me an unfair advantage, and if I see people disconnect during a fight or disconnect to avoid their death saving I will take action against them on my server. I am considering getting more servers in Seattle but at the moment don't know if I can afford to do that. You can donate here if you would like.
  2. wolfpack81

    Banned from US 6 Portland

    It is against the rules and has been for weeks.
  3. wolfpack81

    Guessing this Weapon is hacked

    I doubt a dev will respond to this thread but I can guarantee you that is a hacked weapon.
  4. wolfpack81

    Tracer rounds?

    LMGs shoot tracers.
  5. If you update to the beta(which will be required soon) and press i, it is shown at the top of the menu.
  6. wolfpack81

    Guessing this Weapon is hacked

    They aren't in the loot table. The invisible weapons people find are from vehicles GAU-8, Hydras, etc. Any regular weapon spawned by hackers will have icons and are able to be used.
  7. wolfpack81

    Guessing this Weapon is hacked

    Sorry where did he say this? I've looked at the files myself and can guarantee you that list is correct.
  8. wolfpack81

    Guessing this Weapon is hacked

    Only the regular AS50 is in the game. http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html
  9. wolfpack81

    Seattle Server Info/Discussion

    It's 80$ to run the server
  10. wolfpack81

    Seattle Server Info/Discussion

    I only run Seattle 2-5.
  11. wolfpack81

    Bandwidth usage

  12. It's explained by Rocket in this post. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3593
  13. wolfpack81

    Server rules, not allowed to lie?

    That is against the rules of hosting a server.
  14. Uhh what? What part would you like me to explain?
  15. The devs are seriously considering unbanning this guy? This will be the second streamer that gets special treatment over regular players. Can someone explain how streamers are more important? This is such a fucking joke.
  16. wolfpack81

    Setting Server Time For 2 Servers

    I don't know if this works but you could try. Launch one server with your server set at X time then change the time and launch the next.
  17. wolfpack81

    Seattle Server Info/Discussion

    Just a warning. The 45 slot Seattle server will be shutting down permanently on June 3rd since I have upgraded to a new dedicated server. If you want this server to stay up you can donate, but I will not be paying for it myself to stay.
  18. Seems like everyone has to follow these "global rules" except the bashurverse server of course! What a joke.
  19. wolfpack81

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    The skins spawn in residential buildings and at crash sites. The spawn rates in residential buildings are 0.02 and 0.01. The spawns at crash sites are 0.08 and 0.05. Actually I don't think those are percentages.
  20. wolfpack81

    Wire Fencing Kit

    You can remove them with a toolbox. You have to aim at the posts on the sides.