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Posts posted by Fredulda

  1. I dont understand people wanting the darkness changed. right now with my gamma and hdr turned up I can usually see almost as good as daytime' date=' even with in game clouds and no moon. The Dev's have no control over this. making the night time brighter is just going to make it easier for me to see. why bother having night at all then? maybe some of you prefer to play with the gamma off and simply complain on the forums that it's too dark? what will you do when the brightness is increased and I have even more of an advantage? why no just turn up your hdr and gamma?

    I agree, it's too dark. If I didn't my settings wouldn't be cranked. But those of you complaining about NVG players getting the advantage are missing the point by asking for adjustments to light. That advantage is already easily eliminated.


    You are missing the point. You are upping your gamma and setting your HDR to the fullest. The latter might not be possible for every player. My point is, it's game-breaking. Some have it absolutely pitch-black, having to navigate through familiar silhouettes and the sounds of zombies when some just glide through with their gamma and HDR set to full.

    While i am fine as it is, i felt the need to play devil's advocate to make the issue clear for you.
