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About NMEBowen

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  1. NMEBowen

    A possible safe zone?

    When i posted this i didnt really intend for it to be an absolute safe zone, more of a place that would be safe for a certain time untill bandits decided to come rape and pillage. I really do like the idea of horde attacks, maybe zeds build up around the area and its up to players to help the npc`s clear the area. I did not intend the area to allow players to gear up only trade and a safe place to log maybe a waterpump there but that would be it.. as far as the guards go maybe not give them nvg`s but large search lights and rifles allowing them to kill any bandit within say 700m allowing players to get with in a decent range with a sniper to pop them off. I really do feel the npc`s should offer some kind of high end gear to make attacking the stronghold worth it. Keep up with the ideas maybe a dev will read this and take one into game.
  2. NMEBowen

    Enforced server name

    il sign the petition
  3. NMEBowen

    A possible safe zone?

    First of all this is only a suggestion i have no idea how hard the coding is, if its atall possible or what others feelings on the subject would be but its an idea i thought i would put forward none the less. I have seen a few people say about safe zones and player run trading areas and i thought this may be the idea their looking for. So how would players feel about a npc run safe zone like the medic camp at balota airfield but on a bigger scale, npc`s in guard towers on overwatch and patroling guards who kill anyone with low humanity allowing survivors to enter who need blood transfusions and the like, the area could not only be a safe zone for survivors but also a little end game for bandits in clans to group up and attack to get high end loot like nvg`s and long range rifles. So what would people think of this and any suggestions to improve the idea?
  4. NMEBowen

    Game is not using GPU -- low fps

    no idea but i have to say damn dude your gpu is cooking for 0%load.
  5. NMEBowen

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    ARMA II Combined operations - £25 Script that allows you to hack the game - £10 Tears beacuse you were globally banned by battleye - Priceless
  6. Rocket i can tell the community is finally getting to you as you have started typing in CAPS but dude your going to need to chill abit and take the community with a pinch of salt the hard truth is 90% of the posts you read are haters lets face it if the total number of people (me being one) who think you have changed the industry for the best posted on the forums it would crash. People will always complain but not alot will tell you how good a job you are doing, i tried the single player for like 5 mins i thought it was crap there was no emotion and it was just boring. this game gets so much greatness due to the fact your always looking over your shoulder, the sheer tension this game creates is incredible. All i can end this post with is good job from everyone who cant be arsed to say so.
  7. Sorry if it sounded like a accusation I didn't mean it like that but the whole being launched thing is one of to rockets anti cheating scripts so maybe its gone haywire somewhere, once again sorry
  8. NMEBowen

    Glitched ammo box

    These are quite common in the barracks, ive come across a few with sniper ammo and assult ammo.
  9. I belive this is one of rocket`s anti cheating scripts. oh how he loves the taste of your tears.
  10. NMEBowen

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    hes has already said this patch will be out later this week.
  11. NMEBowen

    PDW vs. GLOCK 17

    The only thing the glock has on the pdw is a flashlight.
  12. NMEBowen

    Will I be banned for this?

    As far as im aware the UAZ spawns RGO frags, not sure about yellow smoke but lets be honest whos gonna hack a smoke grenade. The loot sheets are extremely incomplete and should not be used as a guide whether the items are hacked or not, the best way to determine whether an item is hacked or not is its image in your inventory as hacked items tend not to have a image.