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Everything posted by finjesse

  1. finjesse

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    This sounds like the most amazing mod there is.
  2. finjesse

    Post Apocalyptic Wolfpack

    This sounds interesting,so what mod do you play,and is the server private or official,how many people are in your clan already, do you use ts3,skype or something. Any matter how old you are or where you live?
  3. finjesse

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I like the idea of different antibiotics and medicine,i will form a gang of 5 people and scavenge all the medicine in chernarus and start to sell them so basically im gonna become a drug dealer.
  4. finjesse

    The Release Date for Dayz Standalone

    Rezzed interview was kind of a devblog
  5. finjesse

    DayZ Overwatch first play - Shoot bandit arse.

    Is this somekind of new mod?
  6. finjesse

    Comic Series: Nooby McNoob

    May he spawn close to cherno
  7. Try to scavenge every building in the game and survive as long as i can
  8. finjesse

    Leg Breaking

    what are you guys talking about i love it when i fall for 1m and broke my leg and go unconscious
  9. finjesse

    Berezino: The Best City in all of Chernarus?

    I like berezino but im thinking about moving to Tulga to be doctor with G000gle
  10. You sir are the cancer of this mod/game
  11. finjesse

    Few things I'd like to see in SA

    I think those were all good ideas and id like to see them added to SA
  12. finjesse

    DayZ Standalone Alpha release?

    Nah people should just wait it to be a full game its gonna take 2 years but we can wait.
  13. Its cool but not very special compared to other dayz logos
  14. finjesse

    Help me plz :)

    Id recomment downloading dayzcommander and install dayz with it its supereasy to use and you can get all the dayz mods and updates with it http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  15. finjesse

    Comic Series: Nooby McNoob

    I love that you putted G000gle on the comic,,i love the whole comic series i wish i could draw and make awesome comics like this.
  16. finjesse

    How To Play DayZ

    More like how to be asshole.....just kidding but idont like snipers with AS50 camping on a hills to kill poor freshspawns.
  17. finjesse

    Whats the point of dayz?

    The point of dayz? Looting and avoiding zombies(and players) thats about it.
  18. finjesse

    Long term endgame suggestions

    I dont like the idea of game making quests,they should be set by players.I like the horde roamin around chernarus but i think its already in SA
  19. finjesse

    Oculus Rift + Omni + Dayz

    I need this i would lost so much weight :D
  20. finjesse

    DayZ(RP): Robbery Denied!

    Surprise motherfucker :D awesome kill. btw what server do you play?
  21. finjesse

    I wasn't shot on sight....

    Does BB have any EU servers?
  22. finjesse

    Good Times

    It says its a private video so i cant watch it?
  23. finjesse

    What do I need to Buy to play DayZ?

    Just wait for the standalone.