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Everything posted by fallschirmjaeger

  1. fallschirmjaeger

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    encountered a problem 10min ago in me and my buddy weren't able to give each other blood transfusions somehow. Option didn't appeared via mousewhell. Can anyone confirm this in or had anyone the same problem in ?
  2. fallschirmjaeger

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I'd appreciate it if female characters could switch skins too.
  3. fallschirmjaeger

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    MAYBE he means that it could be possible to transfer characters to arma3 dayz ?! donnu
  4. fallschirmjaeger

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    31. In chernarus everybody is friendly...untill they spot you.
  5. Played for an Hour now. Noticed some things. - Shitload of empty Tin Cans spawning. Way too much 2 round double barrel ammo. examply : found 3 double barrels + ammo in a stable. - zombie aggro. It's getting to where it should be I think. Just need to fine tune it DOWN a bit. It's really really hard to get to anything to loot this way especially if you have Zeds in almost every lootable building. Their abbility to see/hear you through a building/a wall as if there was no building/wall is what it kills it for me right now. If you get that fixed it'll be way better and far more playable. - server Lag. Don't know...maybe we just had a bad server. But we kept getting major lags at random. - this is part of the zombie aggro problem I think. you can't crawl into a building. My character always stands up when trying to crawl into a building. wich , of course , pulls aggro. Other than thet I haven't noticed anythin horribly wrong or bad. Although....haven't played with the crowbar or hatchet in fear of loosing my equipment =)
  6. fallschirmjaeger

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Raided Pusta I few min ago. Found NOTHING except a compass ( lucky me ). I also had the little ingame popup that one guy here posted a screenshot of earlier.
  7. fallschirmjaeger

    No sound after installing beta patch 1.60.93616

    it's wierd. I just took a short break , changed nothing , and all the sudden I don't have sounds anymore. using Betapatch 93825 and dayz 1.7.1
  8. and without beeing a troll : http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php the newest patch is highlighted in green at the top.
  9. I'm using 1.7.1, the latest beta patch and six updater. Updated Battleye aswell. After beeing stuck in the fucking wilderness I hit respawn only to find myself at one of the spawnpoints on the coast with NOTHING on except painkillers , bandage and my backpack? WTF ! This is really starting to annoy me. Anyserver I try same problem. Even if I hit respawn again and again. Nothing changes except my Spawnpoint. Fix this. well. Beeing the intelligent individual that I am I just found out that this is the major change in 1.7.1. fuck my life. this just made me kinda hate this mod. thanks.
  10. fallschirmjaeger

    Spawning in with nothing after wilderness.

    Alright. I just said "fuck it" and went for it. Kinda worked. looted some warehouse found whiskey bottles to distract zombies. I made it into elektro and found a friendly guy to temporarly team up with. We looted some shit and took off. made it out of Elektro armed and alive. On 2nd thought now I have to say that this makes the mod extremly challanging now and interesting. Haven't played it at daytime yet. I was 4am on the server. I found out that there are Zombies inside the buildings now. Quite often I might say. That would be bad enough...but some of them spawn when you are already in the doorway.