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About bulletgaming012

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. bulletgaming012

    Source Code & Values

    Hi I enjoy watching Sacriel play Dayz SA and that he has managed to access the code of dayz to find values for food etc. Could anyone shed some light on how to do this as I am interested to see this for myself. Thanks in advance. Makin PS I have asked in stream but he seems unwilling to answer and my google searches have so far not proved particularly helpful.
  2. bulletgaming012

    DayZ Minimum specifications?

    I have a slight concern with standalone. How is everyone going to be able to play? As far as I am aware all servers will be run by BIS. There will be a few 50 ish man servers but this isn't going to keep the million people that downloaded the mod happy. Or am I being a dufuss? As I recall rocket said no private servers will be available?
  3. bulletgaming012

    Best Current Version of Day Z?

    Dayzero is cool from and FPS point of view. Vanilla is obviously up there, but I have to agree epoch is pretty awesome. You get the best of all game types. You even get a bit of wasteland style capture the objective type of stuff. It's good.
  4. bulletgaming012

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Just a quick note. You have a 3770k on a motherboard that doesn't allow for overclocking. You will need a z77 board or alternatively a regular 3770 which is cheaper so you can spend the cash on a better gpu, or maybe higher gig ssd.
  5. I get attached to my gear cause its a pain in the arse to get. And I get whinged at by the wife for spending hours getting it back. :)
  6. bulletgaming012

    getting some people together!

    Your best bet is in the clan recruitment section. Loads of people in the same boat.
  7. bulletgaming012

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    This is basically exactly the same PC u built. Decent fps on max. Totally payable everywhere, server depending. Day zero is amazing using mine.
  8. Knock down punch ok when they work. My player just stands up and won't move after getting knocked over. Bloody animations.
  9. bulletgaming012

    Is ARMA 2 worth buying for Dayz?

    Personally I would go with Arma 3 now. Dayz is already ported to it and will only get bigger with the release of altis.
  10. bulletgaming012

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Your going to struggle I'm afraid chief. Even on the lowest if settings.
  11. bulletgaming012

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I'm impressed you could see the PCB through the wires Hahahaha.
  12. bulletgaming012

    disable mouse during flight?

    So I'm going to.change my mind slightly on this one. My internet was being horrific last night so I just flew around for a few hours in Arma 3 practicing landing etc. My new suggestion is go first person and only use the mouse. It is far easier to fly using its fine gain control. Im getting trackir to sort the free look out. Have a look at dyslexci videos for more info.
  13. bulletgaming012

    A rare moment in DayZ

    I still play like this. Infact I meet two people in a day zero server the other week that didn't shoot on sight. I was very pleased.
  14. bulletgaming012

    DayZero Thoughts

    Day zero for the win. Solely down to the improved FPS. And its fairly authentic to vanilla.