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Thunfisch (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Thunfisch (DayZ)

  1. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    Make DayZ Scary Again.

    Sniper Rifles are ok as long as they are something like hunting rifles and not hi-tec military rifles like the m107
  2. Hey i just wanted to play after a couple of months and suddenly i get this message whilst joining servers. What does it mean and how to fix it?
  3. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    how is this not passing the system req's?

    lold @ pentium 10 years or more?
  4. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    Successfull trade; It is possible!

    you spelled successful wrong
  5. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    Game Nerfed BAD!

    less good tier weapons and ammo, slightly less handguns and handgun ammo, more food and drinks, less zombies, zombies stronger
  6. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    We Need More Zombies

    i like this thread
  7. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    In a pickle. Need advice.

    loot zeleno, wait for respawn, loot again
  8. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    3 Man group looking for fourth.

    i would like to team up with you. Sounds like my playstyle how you guys are surviving. But again it would be interesting in which timezone you live in
  9. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    Hacking players on ANZ3

    I think m4a1`s are in the game even the suppressed ones. I dont know about the holo but could be too
  10. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    UK 7: Possible hacker

    so very basically you are crying because your mad on him?
  11. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    2 Hackers on DayZ - UK5

    yes a rangefinder is legit
  12. because the regular (mostly mature) arma 2 player wouldnt destroy his own game... lol
  13. if the big hackers release the trick on how to unban yourself, yes arma 2 would be pretty much fucked by all the new retards, who got here because of dayz.
  14. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    release now rocket, pls
  15. they are just dumb cause they could get in trouble because of the hacked items
  16. guys take screens ffs without screens the dayz team wont ban anyone!! So if you want to get that ppl banned take screens, srs
  17. i was on that server at the time too. Many people died and i alt+f4`d.
  18. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    we cant download the newest beta patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php cause its password protected ???
  19. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    The Hackers are back.... did they ever leave?

    atleast its now just happening like once or twice per day
  20. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    im out of dayz bye guys and spam the internetz when its playable
  21. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    just increase the drop rate of items and NVG in general at night and everyone will be fine
  22. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

  23. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    NY7 hacked

    i hope arma 3 comes with a new anti cheat. Punkbuster and Battleye are shitty
  24. Thunfisch (DayZ)

    IMPORTANT: Central Server was Dropped

    http://seattle11.kiotie.com/ban.PNG lold battlepiss