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Vegeta (DayZ)

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About Vegeta (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Vegeta (DayZ)

    MH-60S Knighthawk

    Any1 can help?
  2. Vegeta (DayZ)

    MH-60S Knighthawk

    Hello, I'd like to ask a question. Me and friends have server and we was tring to set up MH-60S Knighthawk. But it was not available in the vehicle list. Any1 can tell me what to do, to add it?
  3. Vegeta (DayZ)

    DE 25 Berlin regular, got banned when offline.

    I will try. Can not connect to TS but will post there. Thx a lot :)
  4. Vegeta (DayZ)

    DE 25 Berlin regular, got banned when offline.

    Is this TS to that server?
  5. Vegeta (DayZ)

    DE 25 Berlin regular, got banned when offline.

    I see... So only Ban remove or changing server. Thx anyway guys :thumbsup: .
  6. Vegeta (DayZ)

    DE 25 Berlin regular, got banned when offline.

    I have no idea how to conact admin. There is no website, i checked on gametracker... Anyway I can uninstal all arma and day z... so my ID will change I think.
  7. Hello, i bought arma 2 and day z last night. And was playing with freinds. I went offline on midnight gmt +1 time. And this morning I loged in and after 10s I got message: You were kick off the game. (Battleeye: Admin Ban ( DAH 14.03.2013 03.15( ban[ publicVariableVal violation]))). How can I do such a thing when I was offline then for over 3h. Can anyone help me with this anyhow :( ??