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PooFy BunNy

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Posts posted by PooFy BunNy

  1. The admins are a bunch of cunts that get butt hurt when u kill them, me and my friend were on there for about 5 hours killed the admin once, not knowing it was the admin. Then got mad threatening to kick us and and then let us go and stole their helicopter. An hour or 2 later we ran into them in a little bird and they had as50 wich are banned, and gilies then had a firefight for about 20 min then they teleported behind us and we were watching our back and saw them do it and killed them and then the admin said lol and banned us they can all suck a sack of shit dont play on this server u will regret it and they dont help u when u need help. SmackAttack was his name and should be shunned for a low life scum that dosent deserve and type of respect.
