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UK#1 Bud

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Everything posted by UK#1 Bud

  1. PLAY THE REAL GAME, NO BUGGY CUSTOM EDITS,HACK FREE SERVER, WITH THE ONLY IN-HOUSE ANTI HACK UK1 Now with: Minor Map Edits, - TO COMPENSATE FOR NEW PATCH ISSUES, START WITH A MAKAROV,2 MAGS, 3x ANTIBIOTICS - IMPROVED LOOT TABLES -(Police/Army zeds have chance of handgun drop/ammo - Antibioitcs can spawn in military loot) UK1: LIVE @ UK#1 - Chernarus, Custom Map Edits, Extra Skins. UK#2 - VANILLA SERVER LIVE @ UK#3 - TAVIANA SERVER LIVE @ UK#4 - DEV SERVER @ UK#5 - VANILLA 90 VEHICLES, 4 HELIS - 24/7 Moonlight [email protected] Our new, Fantastic Website: http://www.brainsofbritain.co.uk News Video Broadcast by BoB Astro! - 09/06 UPDATES: NOW OVER 350 CONFIRMED WHITELIST APPLICATIONS ALL SERVERS NOW SPONSORED BY HFB, AND HOSTED BY HFB, ZERO LAG, FAST LOGIN TIMES. UK#1 & UK#2 Open - UK#3 Coming Today Whitelisted. - UK#4 Access Via Clan Registration and Teamspeak interview. SERVER DETAILS FOR: GB UK#1 DayZ Brains of Britain [90+ Vehicles, 4 Helis [Private Hive] :beans: Key Features: Makrov x3 clips, Bandage, Morphine, Flashlight + COMPASS + ANTIBIOTICSx3 Custom Clan / Storage bases via custom editor added upon request, custom designs are welcomed 4 New lootable zones, full of PvP, Military Gear and Vehicles, Khelm/NWA/NAE Extended Vehicles spawned along the coast on a regular basis, to help our new players get a footing we have also added one crashed heli between cherno / elektro Storyline based lootpoints, NWA Extended. Trading in game, with designated trade posts Survivor Camp - Required humanity, 6000. Clan wars, Events and Vehicle spawns are announced to create an on-going atmosphere. Join our community today and get ready for standalone with BoB! CLANS CURRENTLY RECRUITING NCO - Leader: MrNoLibo - Available on Teamspeak Clan Base Clan Heli Spawn (PVP within 500 m of base) (No PVP against Bambis) [Cartel] - Leader: Chow - Available on Teamspeak Only current succesful winners of defense at Kamenka vs the server S.O.F - Leader - Sev/Sarge - Available on Teamspeak Longest standing clan of BrainsOfBritain. [boB] Taxi Service [bT] PvP Clan [sBS] PvP Clan [LzDz] - PvP Vanilla UK#1 WITH CUSTOM MAP EDITS WE HAVE UPGRADED ALL SERVERS ON 08/06/2013 THE RANK HAS BEEN RESET, IP CHANGED - ALL GEAR AND TENTS/VEHICLES ARE SAVED ”Brains of Britain is the home of original, competitive DayZ, our active admins, clans, bountys and daily in-game events add random action into the mix!” http://contactflow.c...013/04/Logo.jpg SCREENSHOT OF THE MONTH COMPETITION – WIN A ONE OFF HUEY SPAWN ON UK#1 – TAKE PART BY ADDING SCREENSHOTS TO YOUR PROFILE! Join our community today and get ready for standalone with BoB! UK#1 NEW IP: WITH CUSTOM MAP EDITS UPGRADED OUR SERVERS 9/6/2013 – RANK RESET OF SERVER, BUT ALL GEAR SAVED – IMPROVED PING, CONNECTION SPEEDS ETC! WITHOUT CUSTOM MAP EDITS VANILLA UK#2 - CLICK TO GET WHITELISTED FOR UK2 VANILLA UK#3 - DayZ LINGOR- VANILLA UK#4 – Development Server Private Clan Server, Whitelisted / Passworded Access Granted via Clan Registration, Event Particpation and Teamspeak. UK#5 - MOONLIGHT – SAME AS UK#1 BUT MOONLIGHT Partners: OurForums.net / BoB – Official Origins Server UK#6 – CLICK HERE TO GET WHITELISTED ON UK#6 ORIGINS (REGISTRATION AT “Ourforums.net” IS REQUIRED) UK#1 Details Bandage, Morphine, Anti-Bioitcsx3 + Makarov with 3 clips. Defend Devils Castle/ Military Convoys / Spawn sightings / Bountys / ViP – Player based Events. Custom Clan / Storage bases via custom editor added upon request, custom designs are welcomed 4 improvements to lootable zones, full of PvP, Military Gear and Vehicles to spice up the existing dayz experience, Vehicles spawned along the coast on a regular basis, to help our new players get a footing we have also added one crashed heli between cherno / elektro Storyline based lootpoints, NWA/NWA and Khelm Extended. Trading in game, with designated trade posts Clan wars, Events and Vehicle spawns are announced to create an ongoing atmosphere Currently trading Ammo, Food and Supplies, Vehicles - talk to SOF Sarge in game, we offer a full trade service, and we deliver! How to Join: Download DayZ Commander Install/Update to current DayZ Version/Arma and ArmaOA Click Favourites Copy and paste our IP and Port into the boxes. uk1: We currently have a community of active players from all over the globe. Our teamspeak server is at: And clans are welcome to have their own public or passworded channel with admin. We are very hot on Anti-Cheat, boasting a number of neutral admins (WHO DO NOT PLAY WHILE ON ADMIN DUTY) and the most up to date server-side script kiddie detection. Its a great atmosphere, and a number of regular players from various clans and solo survivalists. We have 30 minute interval backups, so everything you do will never be lost, regardless of cheaters Currently it is: DAYTIME 24/7 Join us today! Bud We now have 4 hidden trade posts and two new lootable zones, we have extended NWAF and added custom objects to the game around the more popular areas, providing cover and a further realistic dayz experience, check out the train crash in Elektro! :) SERVER IP : UK1: _________________________________________________________________ Join our teamspeak by clicking the button on the main page of our website. Regards, Bud
  2. UK#1 Bud

    Brains of Britain Breaking point

    Great to see the breaking point server is getting popular, see you all online!
  3. Hi All! After investing a in a top notch 1080streaming setup, myself, Konox and some other members at Brains of Britain have decided to create www.slickestgaming.com The purpose of this website is to enable DayZ Streamers of all mod types, to be shown in one place. So therefore if you are an active streamer who is looking for new viewers and a home website to deploy your channel, with your own page and Chat, we can help. It would be great to get some feedback, i'm currently developing the page so it isnt finished (the images are awful etc, but the functionality is there!) So, TLDR: If you stream, we can embed your stream from twitch etc, with your own page, channel, logos - be seen with other dayz streamers and personalise the experience, the plan is to have quality rather than quantity. Kindest regards Bud
  4. UK#1 Bud

    DayZ & Other Livestreams

    Streaming live from our breaking point server @ http//www.slickestgaming.com
  5. UK#1 Bud cloning glitch.

    Any idea when we can expect this? It's a game breaking bug and all it takes is to die and relog for it to happen, hardly a glitch method - its happening to everyone! I completely appriciate what you are trying to achieve, and "double testing" an alpha would usually be silly - but you have a massive active userbase that needs to be maintained, and there has been a massive decrease in active players since the 1.7.7 patch (just look on dayz commander!) Please more testing next time, this patch has been a nightmare. There are many pools intelligent players that would be willing to test the new patch for five minutes to prevent this stuff - just allow a few server admins to host the update before its released and we can indentify this stuff properly, quickly and easily - for mofo free - and you'll get some solid feedback for some quick fixes, and get the credit you deserve instead of releasing hotfixes and breaking other stuff in the process. Cheers
  6. UK#1 Bud

    Bandits Wanted.

    NEWS: Servers upgraded - Moved to HFBServers, updated to - Improved loot tables - UK#1/UK#2 Currently we have large playerbase of friendly players, and a few bandits, this thread was really great before and saw some horrible banditry soon after! It would be great to get some selfish players in the game to create a balanced atmosphere, i've seen to many 5 man squads and im calling on you to put an end to this camaraderie! Our server details are in my signature below, or on our website. Rewards for bandit kills ONLY VALID FOR KILLING CLAN MEMBERS! [ESC] [bT] or [HERO] We do not want to encourage bambi or unarmed player killers! 8 Kills in one Life of either, [ESC] [bT] or [HERO] Clans (Screenshot posted on website: Reward - 1x Car Spawn) 12 Kills in one Life (Screenshot posted on the website: Reward Infiltrator Loadout, permanent bandit tools) 15+ Talk to me on TS for a custom map edit base Good Luck, Bud.
  7. UK#1 Bud

    Bandits Wanted.

    Seen some nice banditry the last three days - although - the clans are still dominating, with 3-4 clans with 4-5 members each the survivalists are losing!
  8. Due to 93% of the vehicles being broken for the past two days - i have decided to repair and refuel all of them, just for today - get stashin!
  9. Hi Guys I spent lots of time today collating the media from brains of britain players, thats been put on our youtube and website, thought it would be cool to share it with you! Enjoy!
  10. CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW TO APPLY FOR OUR WHITELIST DayZ as Dean wanted it After the success of the first Brains of Britain server (UK1) We have decided to open a pure Vanilla server. - All the advantage of the public hive with the added security measures of a private hive - No Admin abuse (all admins do not play on the server) - Standard vehicle count and loot table GOTCHA ANTI HAX - TSW - LOG SCANNER - REMOTE EXEC PHP LOG - SPORKULUS - Dedicated TS server with the option of clan channels - Dedicated forum/ website http://www.brainsofbritain.co.uk - Hitlist's and Events - Fantastic community -No Donator Rewards Any questions please feel free to post below or visit the website VANILLA SERVER UK#2 - WHITELIST APPLICATIONS OPEN 1 We have custom anti-hax crafted by CountSporkulus, designed specifically for our server, there are NO other european servers with this level of anti hack. SERVER UK#2 DETAILS: Add us Into your favourites in dayz commander. :) Regards Bud BOB NEWS
  11. News: [ESC] Are defending devils castle with military loot, vehicles and player loot as rewards! 4 Defenders, 80 Minutes remain! Join now!
  12. 28/06 - Join and play our server, refer a friend and get a free ghillie suit for both of you!! message Bud on TS TONIGHT ONLY!
  13. UK#1 Bud

    Bandits Wanted.

    Seen some new players, clan bases got raided last night - great stuff, im a happy chappy! Gives the clans something to do ;)
  14. News: Did some testing with removing map edits and FPS drops, they seem to be patch related and nothing to do with our minor edits and clan bases. - UK#1 Has been running with slightly improved loot tables for 3 days, we are seeing many players return due to this - Antibioitcs can be found at military spawns, slightly increased chance - Players are starting with 3x antibiotics (after testing this is around 1 hour survival while looting and gives players a chance to gear up before have to deal with the infection) - Players start with a makarov so if they get stuck in doorways with zeds in the first 10 minutes they can defend themselves with two mags - Time window for crashed heli copters increased, more NVGS available (as we are thinking of going over to moonlight soon)
  15. Check out our UK#2 server, it is exactly that - we have over 380 whitelisted players, however it has been quiet in recent days due to the patchs. We have slightly edited loot spawns today accomodate that, also players spawn with 1x Antibiotics, everything else is vanilla, no map edits, no custom loadouts, pure and simple how dean designed it, but with secure custom anti hacks, privately whitelisted, with active clans. Just saw your post, about Mydayz, i'd say over 80% of our playerbase is from there on UK#2 - Juggernaut and Rorxy, from LzDz and Buddy clans are found on the server, and on teamspeak. edit2 more info: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/136674-uk2-vanilla-dayz-1771-whitelist-applications-open-how-dean-designed-it-brainsofbritaincouk/
  16. UK#1 Bud

    Bandits Wanted.

    Completely fixed by moving to HFBServers, Dayz,st are a pile of sh&t. We have improved the loot spawns of med gear to fall in-line with the new patch, antibiotics can now also spawn at military loot. Feedback is very welcome!
  17. Improved loot tables today, and now spawning with 1x anti biotics, check it out!
  18. News: Loot tables improved for ALL servers - go check out uk1/2/3/5 and give us some feedback!
  19. Issues fixed with some vehicles returning to spawn on restart Issue fixed with tents not saving some loot - UK#1 Online
  20. Real news: If you run a server, stick to your own thread. You cant expect anyone toI think thats a fair comment to make considering your a promoting your own server via your signature. In otherwords, gtfo, i cant control if people want to bump the thread i made? (I suggest you take your quarrel in PM with Gibson instead, and remove the un-needed posts like an educated forum moderator) /edit having spent 5 minutes on the forum, i can now see balota buddies hijack every thread possible with a server advert! News: UK#2 is under discussion by the admin team and maybe turned into UK#2 Improved Vanilla, due to the fact that people do not want pure vanilla, they do not like the latest patch and request the loot tables to be improved, and antibioitcs to be given at start, in otherwords is still a mess and we are doing our best to fix it. UK#1 is back up to peak players, got some new clans and some old clans returning as we now are starting people with Antibiotics and a Makarov to improve on the patchs flaws. Website updated, newsletter sent out. - New HERO Clan on UK1 Leader (Sarge) Medics available on request Pickups available Existing clans have agreed to take their fights up north. Regards, Bud