After doing some snooping; it appears I have an original, albeit somewhat whiny query. I had an L85A2 AWS that I pulled off a Bandit, I new it was being banned and that they'd never spawn again. So I figured I'd have mine until I died and then the gun wouldn't be loot-able off my corpse. I jumped onto a hive server after the gun was originally removed and was very surprised to see my character still holding the AWS. With all this talk of the Holo replacing the AWS, I was expecting to see it replaced in my inventory as such. All this supporting my first theory. So now I just logged on again today, long after the AWS has been removed and see that I have no Primary Gun at all. Not the AWS, not the Holo, not even a bare M4A1 to match all this Stanag I'd acquired. So basically, I'm asking, What Gives!? [Edit] For those who couldn't follow my timeline, I acquired the AWS WELL before the ban, in like 1.7.3 or so. I've been playing private hives since I got tired of people bouncing to low pop servers when things got rough. Or to log back in behind you in order to murder you. I'd rather of seen the AWS replaced with the HOLO in the spawn tables, vehicles, tents, backpacks and people's inventory. They use the same ammunition and deal the same damage.